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Exercise 3. Change the verb forms of the sentences according to the model

e.g. He usually drinks water. (tonight/ champagne) · But tonight he’ s drinking champagne.

1. He usually eats eggs. (tonight/steak)

2. She usually drinks beer. (tonight/wine)

3. He usually smokes cigars. (tonight/cigarettes)

4. She usually eats at home. (tonight/in a restaurant)

Exercise 4. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. Use the verb that is shown to the left.  
hear   write   run   taste   contain   get   see     look at   understand   taste 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.     8.   9.   10. I..... the bell every morning. I..... the bell now. John..... letters every evening. John..... letters now. Dick always..... to school. Dick..... to school now. The soup..... good when the vegetables are fresh. This soup..... good. Leaves always..... chlorophyll. Do you see this leaf? It..... chlorophyll. The weather..... colder when the north wind blows. The weather..... colder now. We usually..... the lightning before we hear the thunder. There’s an airplane approaching; I..... it clearly. Jim’s father always..... his homework. He..... his homework now. Some days I..... the lesson right away. Oh, yes. Now I...... She always..... the soup before she serves it. She..... the soup now.  

Exercise 5. Put in the correct tense:

1. I would like to go home now. It..... late.
(is getting/gets)

2. «What.....?» – «Beer. Can I get you some?»
(are you drinking/do you drink)

3. «Where’s Lucy?» – «She..... a bath».
(‘s having/has)

4. What sort of films.....?
(are you liking/do you like)

5. «Do you speak Chinese?» – «No,.....».
(I’m not/I don’t)

6. What time..... to bed?
(are you usually going/do you usually go)

7. «Is there anything to eat?» – «I..... some fish».
(‘m just cooking/just cook)

8. «What are you doing?» – «I..... the guitar».
(‘m just practicing/just practice)

9...... tomorrow?
(Are you working/Do you work)

10. No, I..... on Saturdays.
(‘m not working/don’t work)

Exercise 6. Choose the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 635 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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