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Between a Mother (M), her Son (S) and the Doctor (D)

M: Your _______ is clogged up, your voice is hoarse and your face flushed. You must have a _______. I'm sure. I hope it's nothing more. Where did you manage to get it?

S: I don't know myself. I must have _______ cold last night after a game of football when I felt so hot that I even took my jacket off.

M: How thoughtless (careless) of you, the evening was chilly and windy. Now you'll have to stay in. Here's the thermometer, take your __________________.

S: Oh, I'll be all right in a few hours.

M: Now, you do what you are told. Put the thermometer under your _______(in the armpit)... Oh, it's thirty eight point three. You'll have to stay away from classes today. I'll call the ________ (I'll have the doctor in).

(She phones to the local out-patient hospital and is told that the doctor will call while making his daily round of the district).

D: What do you ________ of, my boy?

S: I have a bad (splitting) headache and a _______ _______. I feel sort of feverish.

D: Let me feel your_______. Open your mouth, please. I see your tongue is coated and your throat inflamed. Now, strip to the waist, please. (The doctor sounds the boy's lungs.) Take a deep ________... (To the mother.) Your son is to keep his bed for three days. Here is the ____________. The medicine is to be taken three times a day before meals, two tablespoonfuls each time. It will help to keep the ______ down. (To the son.) Blow your nose gently, young man, or else you'll have an earache... Nothing serious, but don't get up before Wednesday, as there might be ___________________.

2. Symptoms of an Illness

A: What's the matter, you look _________, your eyes are red and there is fullness (there are bags) under them. Have you fallen _____?

B: I didn't sleep a wink last night. I had such an awful ____________that I was on the point of calling for urgent medical aid. However, after I took some soothing pills, the pain subsided (abated, became less).

A: Is it the first time you've had stomach trouble?

B: I have occasional ____________of indigestion if I eat anything my stomach doesn't agree with, but that is a rare case. A couple of years ago I thought my stomach could ________ nails.

A: It might have been an attack of appendicitis this time.

B: I don't think so. My brother has been operated on for appendicitis and he knows all the ___________ of this disease. With me it's something quite different.

A: You'll have to consult a specialist.

B: I hate going to doctors.

A: Who doesn't? But pluck up your courage, old boy. A specialist will _________ your case, but first be prepared to have your gastric juice tested and some analyses taken. He will prescribe a strict diet and some inoffensive ___________ for the time being.


soothing pills — болеутоляющие таблетки;

pain-killer — болеутоляющее средство;

indigestion — плохое пищеварение, расстройство желудка;

a bout of indigestion — расстройство желудка.

His stomach can digest nails — Его желудок может переваривать гвозди.

an attack of asthma, appendicitis... приступ астмы и т.п.;

to pluck up one's courage — собраться с духом;

gastric juice — желудочный сок;

inoffensive drug — безвредное (слабое) лекарство.

3. At the Dentist's

D: What's troubling you?

A: One of my front _______ is working loose, and there's a big one (a wisdom tooth) at the back that wants seeing to.

D: You have to have this one out. It is a pity you didn't have it looked at before.

A: I wish to goodness I had.

D: Does that other tooth _______ you now?

A: Not particularly, just a _____ steady pain.

D: The tooth is decaying and must be stopped (filled)... This will be a temporary _________, I'll make permanent one next time... Now we'll attend to the ______ tooth. Shall I apply an anesthetic to deaden the ________?

A: Yes, if you please.

D: Here is your tooth ________ (pulled out). Now rinse your mouth, please.

A: (Rising from the chair and looking into the mirror.) The empty space doesn't improve my looks any. How about having a ______ tooth put in?

D: You'll have to have a small bridge made and two ________ on which to suspend the false tooth. I may direct you to a dental mechanic and he will do this for you.

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