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Ex.11. Read the following situations and give your ideas.,

When an accident happens, what you immediately do is extremely important, since it may affect the patient for better or worse. Suddenly, shockingly it happens. What do you do immediately in an emergency?

1. Nick is in the kitchen cooking dinner when he accidentally burns himself on the stove. What should he do?

2. Mary got a minor burn and treated it with water and moist towels. She notices a blister forming and thinks it is so ugly that she'd better break it. You come into the room. What would you tell her?

3. Helen was cleaning her bathroom and added some household bleach to a toilet bowl cleaner and the chemicals mixed and gave off a poisonous gas. Her mother entered the bathroom. What should she do?

4. A five-year-old boy swallows a plum-stone and is almost choked. His mother is reading besides him. What should she do?

5. Mrs. Johnson's son swallowed one of her prescription grubs that he ' found in her medicine cabinet. Luckily, she found out about right away. What should Mrs. Johnson do?

6. Cooking vegetable salad, Margaret cuts her thumb. It is bleeding. What should she do?

7. A friend of yours was assaulted and badly beaten in one of the city streets. A police officer found him lying breathlessly on the pavement. What should the police officer do?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 604 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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