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Ex. 3. Choose the right word

The words usually confused: illness (sickness)disease

"illness" is the state of being ill; "disease" refers to a particular kind of illness with special symptoms and name.


"pain" refers to suffering of body. It is sharp and sudden; "ache" — means a continuous pain.

cureheal— treat

"cure" means to bring back to health;

"heal" means to make healthy after wounds of any kind (e.g. cuts are healed); "treat" means to take care of with medicines, etc. It refers to the process of curing (e.g. a person must be treated to be cured).

a) ill— sick (Mind: "ill" is never used before a noun).

1) The nurse mixed the medicine with a teaspoon and gave it to the... man who sat up in bed to take it. 2) When people are... and have a temperature of over 39 degrees we say they are in a high fever. 3) When I go on board a ship or a boat, I feel... 4) He was suddenly taken...

b) illness (sickness)— disease

1) What did the man die of? Did he suffer from any chronic... or complications after a serious...? 2) The... was catching, and the doctor said he would put me on the sick-list. 3) Scarlet fever is a catching.... 4) His... prevented him from going to school together with his friends.

c) treatcure

1) After scarlet fever complications developed, and they had to be... for a month before the patient was completely.... 2) The open air life in the mountain... him of headaches. 3. The doctor said that if I followed his instructions, I should soon be... of the disease.

d) cureheal

1) Fresh air, sunshine, good food may... a patient of consumption by... his lungs. 2) After a fortnight of slight fever, the wound... and he recovered. 3) The doctor applied a medicine which soon... the deep cut in my arm.

e) ache—pain—hurt

1) As Joe was coming home a sudden... in his heart made him stop and lean against the wall of a house. 2) Wet weather often makes old people feel an... in their bones. 3) He fell down the stairs and... his leg. 4) This heavy suit-case makes my arm.... 5) Did you... yourself?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 2159 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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