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Exercise 5. Write passive sentences

1) Chinese (to speak) in Singapore. 2) The Tower of London (to build) around the 2nd century 3) The new hospital (to open) next year. 4) She (to interview) now. 5) I realized I (to follow). 6) You (to invite) to Andy’s party? 7) He found that all his money (to steal). 8) These computers (to make) in Korea. 9) Passengers (to ask) not to speak to the driver. 10) Sorry about the noise - the road (to mend). 11) The village church (to born down) last year. 12) A Roman pavement (just find) under Oxford Street.

Exercise 6 Ask as in the model:

- The article isn’t translated.

- Why isn’t it translated?

- The book won’t be published.

- Why won’t it be published?

1) Those questions weren’t asked. 2) The news hasn’t been announced. 3) The things aren’t packed. 4) He won’t be sent there. 5) The document hasn’t been signed. 6) The radio hasn’t been repaired. 7) Her name wasn’t mentioned.

Exercise 7. Now the class is divided into two groups: police detectives and the crime witnesses. The detectives begin to interrogate the witnesses about the crime committed asking questions and using the passive forms. The witnesses answer using the passive forms as well.

Example: Where was the body found? — It was found in the library.

1) Who was the body found by? 2) Was the window broken? 3) Was anything stolen? 4)Wasanybody noticed entering the library? 5) What was the victim killed with? 6) Had the body been moved before the police came? 7) Was the library’s door locked? 8) Was the dead man’s will changed?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 1025 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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