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Paper that is made from rice is sometimes used for stationary

Paper made from rice is sometimes used for stationary.

Luggage that is left unattended will be taken away by police.

The nurse who is looking after my aunt is very kind to her.

Ham which is made in the traditional way costs more but tastes better.

James thought that the man who was with his girlfriend was her brother.

Who’s that good-looking man who is talking to Alison?

Women tourists who are wearing trousers are not allowed in the temple.

Left-handed children who are forced to write with their right hands often develop psychological problems.

The man who was bitten by my neighbour’s dog was her husband’s boss.

When relative pronouns are left out this can make reading difficult.

The woman Barbara was out shopping with that Tuesday afternoon was her stepmother. (=The woman that Barbara was out shopping with...)

Exercise 11. Make these sentences easier to read by adding who(m)/which/that.

The earrings he gave her for Christmas must have cost at least $500.

The fax he got that morning was addressed to someone else.

The sofa we bought last year is falling to pieces already.

The people he had hoped to introduce Lee to were not here.

The flat the terrorists hid the guns in was owned by an MP.

The song she could not remember the name of was Rambling Boy.

Exercise 12. Here are the ends of some sentences. Find the beginnings in the box.

… Spain taught me things about myself I had never suspected.

… my wedding was bought in a little shop in Bath.

... my parent’s home was the nicest place I’veever lived in.

... the airport in Memphis was going to Italy to collect a tiger for azoo.

... my little cousin Pam had crazy plans for an expedition to the NorthPole.

A very ordinary-looking woman I got talking to at A man I met by chance on a business trip to Some Polish people I was introduced to by The dress my sister wore to The little flat that I rented just after I left

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 376 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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