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Exercise 13. Supply suitable active and passive forms in theses sentences using the verbs in brackets. Some variations in tenses may be possible

It isn’t clear how far the ozone layer (damage) by aerosol sprays. It may be possibleto tellwhether the hole over the Atlantic (widen) after the area (investigate) by high-flying planes.

These days, even the most remote places on earth (visit) by tourists. Package tours (can/arrange) for almost anywhere, from the Himalayas to the Amazonian Jungle.

Notices such as (English/Speak) and (Shoes/Repair) are common.

We constantly (remind) of the way the world (become) smaller when eventstaking place indifferent parts of the globe (flash) on our television screens.

If you (involve) in a car accident and someone (hurt), you (have to) report the matter to thepolice. If only the vehicles (damage), drivers should exchange names and addresses.

Exercise 14. Imagine you are in a busy hotel at midday. Make sentences to say what is being done, using words from the two boxes according to the following example:

Beds are being done.

beds bills coffee drinks food luggage money new guests reservations rooms tables
bring down change clean lay make order pay prepare serve take welcome

Exercise 15. Imagine that, rich and famous, you return to your old home town after fifty years. A lot of things are different. Make sentences, using words from the boxes according to the following example:

The Cafe Royal has been turned into a casino.

Cafe Royal houseboats new car park new schools opera house old fire station ring road station streets town center statue of you Super Cinema your house
build modernize put up in park rebuild widen turn into a casino/floating restaurants/museum/supermarket/theatre/pedestrian area

Exercise 16. Use ‘It + passive’ (it is believed, it is reported, it is known, it is expected, it is considered, it is alleged) to change these sentences:

Model: It is thought that the Queen of Holland is a vegetarian.

Many people are homeless after the floods.

The Prime Minister is in favour of the new law.

The government will lose the election.

The prisoner escaped by climbing over the wall.

The thieves got in through the kitchen window.

He drove through the town at 90 miles an hour.

Two people were seriously injured in the accident.

Three men were arrested after the explosion.

Use ‘It + passive’ in your own sentences.

Exercise 17. Complete these sentences using one of the following verbs: ‘to arrest, to wake, to knock, to check, to translate, to find, to drive, to make, to spend, to carry’.

A decision will not … until the next meeting.

That building is dangerous. It ought to … down before it falls down.

When you go through Customs, you luggage may … by a customs officer.

I told the hotel receptionist that I wanted to … up at 6.30.

Her new book will probably … into a number of foreign languages.

If you kicked a policeman, you’d...

Police are looking for the missing boy. He can’t... anywhere.

Do you think that less money should … on arms?

The injured man couldn’t walk and had to...

I don’t mind driving but I prefer to … by other people.

Exercise 18. Put the verbs into a suitable tense in the passive.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 1480 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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