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Nominalizationproduces nominal phrases. Nominalization can be completeand partial

Complete nominalization results in complete depriving sentence of its predicative aspect. When nominalization is complete, the resulting phrase has no verb form: On their arrival I was relieved of my fears. Other cases of complete nominalization: The girl is pretty > the pretty girl, a pretty girl, the prettiness of the girl. The teacher has a pen > the teacher's pen, the pen of the teacher. He has a car > his car > a car of his. The writer has a talent > the talented writer, the writer with a talent. The flat has three rooms > the flat with three rooms > a three-room flat. The bird sings > the song of the bird > the bird's song > the singing of the bird > the singing bird. The man loves books > the lover of books > the man's love of books. The letters are written by Mary > the letters written by Mary > the written letters > letters by Mary. Stockings are made of nylon > stockings made of nylon > stockings of nylon > nylon stockings.

Partial nominalization results in partial depriving the sentence of its predicative aspect. It produces infinitive and gerundial phrases: They arrived to relieve me of my fears; They arrive d relieving me of my fears; Having arrived, they did relieve me of my fears.


Each construction of secondary predication consists of a secondary subject plus a secondary predicate.

The position\ role of the SUBJECT (= the position before the verbal predicate)

The gerundial complex. E.g. Ted's beins lazy is the reason for all his problems.

The infini'tival [ai] complex. E.g. For me to talk to him has always been a torture.

The infini'tival [ai] complex (Complex Subject). E.g. He was seen taking your money.

The position\ role of the OBJECT (= the position after the verbal predicate)

The gerundial complex. E.g. Did you know about his coming?

The infini'tival [ai] complex (Complex Object). E.g. We expected you tohelp us.

The position\ role of the PREDICATIVE (= the position after the verbal predicate which is a LINK-verb)

The gerundial complex. E.g. His hobby is reading books.

The infini'tival [ai] complex. E.g. This is for you to translate.

The position\ role of the ATTRIBUTE (= the position after a noun)

The gerundial complex. E.g. The reason for Ted's being sick is not clear.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-26; Прочитано: 390 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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