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The phrase

1) What are subordinate [подчинительные] and coordinate [сочинительные] phrases [словосочетания!?

Coordinate phrases contain words related by coordination. Coordination is effected by such conjunctions as:

- and; both... and; not only... but also...; nor; neither... nor...;

- but;

- or; either... or....

In such phrases any of the coordinated elements can substitute for the whole phrase in the given syntactic position.

E.g.: Ted and Mary — is a coordinate phrase. Ted and Mary entered the room. -> Mary entered the room. -> Ted entered the room.

Subordinate phrases contain words related by subordination. In such phrases there is only one element which can substitute for the whole phrase in the given syntactic position. Such an element is called the head-word\ nucleus\ kernel of the phrase. E.g.: 'a small girl' - is a subordinate phrase. A small girl entered the room. -> A girl entered the room. 'Girl ' is the head-word\ nucleus\ kernel of the phrase.

2) Into what types did Leonard Bloomfield divide phrases '!


ENDOCENTRIC phrases are those which contain an element (or elements) which CAN substitute for the whole phrase in the given syntactic position. For example: Tom and Gerry were playing. The phrase 'Tom and Gerry' occupies the position of the subject. This phrase is exocentric because each of its components can occupy this position ALONE: Tom was playing. Gerry was playing.

Another example: A fat cat sat on the porch. The phrase 'A fat cat' occupies the position of the subject. This phrase is exocentric because one of its components (cat) can occupy this position ALONE: A cat sat on the porch.

EХOCENTRIC phrases are those in which NO COMPONENT can substitute for the whole phrase in the given syntactic position. For example: There was no sugar on the table. The phrase 'on the table' is endocentric because NO COMPONENT can substitute for the whole phrase in the given syntactic position. We can't say: * There was no sugar on. * There was no sugar the table.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-26; Прочитано: 374 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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