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D. Larson

Daniel Larson

LETTER 5 (Insurer’s reply to request to insure the goods)

May 16, 20…

Dear Mr Simpson,

Thank you for your letter of May 12, in which you asked about cover for a shipment of computers from Tisbury to Wellington.

I note from the details attached to your letter that the net amount of the invoice is £22,000, and payment is by letter of credit. I would therefore suggest a valued policy against all risks for which we can quote £4.35p%.

We will issue a cover note as soon as you complete and return the enclosed declaration form.

Yours sincerely,



LETTER 6 (Information on the assessor’s report)

October 28, 20…

Dear Mr. Shane,

Policy No. RG3087567

I have now received our assessor’s report with reference to your claim CF5646 in which you asked for compensation for the damage to two turbine engines shipped ex-Liverpool by MV Freemont on October 11 for delivery to your customer, D.V. Industries, Hamburg.

The report states that B/L. No.3459 was claused by the master of the vessel with a comment on cracks in the casing of the machinery. Our assessor believes that these cracks were responsible for the casing weakening during the voyage and splitting, which eventually caused damage to the turbines themselves.

I am sorry that we cannot help you further, but the company cannot accept liability for the goods unless they are shipped clean. See Clause 23A of the Policy.

Sincerely yours,





“Insurance”, “assurance”, “cover”, “reinsurance” и “underwriting” могут в различных контекстах переводиться как “страхование”, хотя при этом коннотации этих терминов несколько отличаются друг от друга.

Insurance ” – общий термин, то есть “страхование” как бизнес, как вид услуг.

Assurance ” – страхование от событий, которые рано или поздно обязательно произойдут (например, смерть). Следовательно, “страхование жизни” – “life assurance”.

Cover ” – страхование, объем страхового покрытия.

Reinsurance ” – перестрахование, то есть полное или частичное размещение среди других страховщиков риска, покрываемого данным страховщиком, в обмен на страховую премию.

Underwriting ” имеет значение “принятие рисков на страхование”; “процесс анализа рисков”.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-23; Прочитано: 233 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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