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Ex.3. Complete the sentences. 1. The insurance company accepts in accordance with these Rules for insurance cargoes and also (ожидаемую прибыль) and commission

1. The insurance company accepts in accordance with these Rules for insurance cargoes and also (ожидаемую прибыль) and commission, freight and expenses connected with the (перевозкой) of the cargo.

2. Under the insurance contracts (заключенных на) on the conditions specified in Items 1, 2 and 3 of §2 of the Rules, losses (возникающие из) (отпотевания) of the hold and wetting of cargoes by atmospheric (осадки), (обесценения) of the cargo in consequence of (загрязнения) or damage to packing while the outer packing remains intact are not indemnified.

3. We have found (недостачу) of cargo while the outer packing is intact.

4. Losses due to (падежа) of animals and fowls or accidents to them, due to leakage and (раструски) of cargo, breakage of glass, (фарфора), pottery, ceramics, marble and (изделий) made thereof, bricks of every kind, millstones, grindstones, and lithographic stones, (графитовых тиглей), electrodes and other objects liable to breakage under insurance on the conditions specified in (пунктах) 2 and 3 of §2 of the Rules are indemnified only when such losses (произошли) in consequence of the wreck of the vessel or any other means of transport.

5. These Rules are an (неотъемлемую часть) of insurance contract and could be modified and (дополнены) only by mutual written agreement of the parties.

6. The insurance company is to indemnify any losses due to damage to or total loss of the whole or part of the cargo caused by fire, (молнии), storm, (вихря) and other (стихийных бедствий), stranding or collision of vessels, aircraft and other means of transport with each other or by contact with any (неподвижные или плавучие предметы), grounding, (провала мостов), explosion, damage to the vessel by ice, wetting by (забортной водой) and also owing to measures taken for (спасения) and extinction of fire.

7. The condition “Без ответственности за повреждения, кроме случаев крушения” provides for a compensation of losses in consequence of the vessel or aircraft being missing as well as losses due to damage to or total loss of the whole or part of the cargo in consequence of accidents in loading, (укладке) and discharge of the cargo and in (приеме судном топлива).

8. Under the insurance contracts concluded on the conditions specified in Item 3 of §2 of the Rules, losses arising from flood and (землетрясения), (выбрасывания за борт) and washing overboard of the deck cargo are not to be indemnified.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-23; Прочитано: 281 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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