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Passive Vocabulary

have a sharp excruciating pain [Ik’skru:∫IeItIз] иметь острую мучительную боль

inflict pain on smb причинять боль к-л

abscess [‘1bsFs]нарыв, гнойник

(non)communicable diseases [k∂ [kq'mju:nIkqbl] (не)заразная болезнь

fracture ['fr1ktSq] перелом

drowsiness сонливость

delirium [dI'lIrIqm] бред, бредовое состояние

ointment мазь

adhesive patch [qd'hi:sIv]

a sedative ['sedqtIv] успокаевающее средство

an antihistamine ["1ntI'hIstqmi:n] антигистаминный препарат (противоаллергический)

a laxative слабительное ['l1ksqtIv]

commode [kq'mq4d] стульчак (для ночного горшка)

height gauge [geIdZ] рост (мера)

dentures (set of false teeth) ['dentSqz] зубной протез

concussion [kqn'k0Sn] сотрясение, concussion of the brain сотрясение мозга

sling перевязка

hay fever сенная лихорадка

diarrhea ["daI q'rIq] диарея

hangover похмелье

to be pregnant быть беременной

to be breastfeeding, to breastfeed вскармливать грудью

haemophilia ["hi:mq'fIlIq] гемофилия

clot тромб

spinal cord ['spaInl] спинной мозг

dehydration ["di:haI'dreISn] обезвоживание

jaundice ['dZO:ndIs] желтуха

ailing ['eIlIN] больной

prognosis (pl. –ses) [pr2g'nq4sIs] прогноз

hypochondriac ["haIpq'k2ndrI1k] ипохондрик

to have a terrible nauseous feeling ['nO:zIqs] тошнить

to look off-colour плохо выглядеть

acupuncture ['1kj4"p0NktSq] иглоукалывание

chiropractic [kaIrq4' pr1ktIk] костоправ

aromatherapy [q"rq4mq'TerqpI] ароматерапия

dosage ['dq4sIdZ] дозировка

to have physiotherapy ["fIzIq4 'TerqpI] проходить физиотерапию

to donate blood [dq4'neIt] стать донором

transfusion переливание крови

to get contact lenses надеть контактные линзы

to fight off a cold избавляться от простуды

to go down with подхватить

to be on the mend = be back on one’s feet идти на поправку

aching продолжительная боль

agonizing ['1gqnaIzIN] мучительный, страшный (о боли)

antiviral ["1ntI'vaIrFl] противовирусный

artery ['@:tqrI] артерия

auxiliary nurse медсестра (a nurse with basic qualifications who helps with the care of patients)

nursing officer старшая медсестра

bereavement тяжелая утрата [bI'ri:vmqnt] (как правило, близкого человека)

bowel movement мед. стул

bpm -beats per minute –используется для измерения работы сердца

cardiac arrest ['k@:dI1k] сердечный приступ

care home дом престарелых

dementia [dI'menSq] слабоумие

schizophrenia ["skItsq4'fri:nIq] шизофрения

disinfectant ["dIsIn'fektFnt] дезинфицирующее средство

dispense приготовлять и распределять (лекарства)

first aid первая помощь (до медицинской)

foreign body инородное тело

hemoglobin ["hi:mq'glq4bIn] гемоглобин

immune system иммунная система

local anesthetic местная анестезия

obese [qV'bi:s] тучный, страдающий ожирением

onset начало болезни (the time when a disease or condition starts to affect a person)

pipette [pI'pet] пипетка, капать из пипетки

pre-med (drugs given to somebody in preparation for an operation or other medical treatment)

saliva [sq'laIvq] слюна

tweezers пинцет

psoriasis [sq'raI qsIs] псориаз

ultrasound ['0ltrqsa4nd] ультразвук

consultant главврач (a hospital doctor of high rank who has special knowledge in a particular area of medicine and advises the patient’s doctor)

radiologist рентгенолог

triage nurse ['tri:@:dZ] медсестра, работающая в травматологии

practice nurse медсестра, сидящая на приеме с доктором

cubicle ['kju:bIkl] одноместная больничная палата

scalpel скальпель

snake bite kit костюм против укусов змей

disposable gloves [dI'spq4zqbl] одноразовые перчатки

intake доза

quarantine ['kw2rFnti:n] карантин

recuperation [rI"kju:pq'reISn] выздоровление

forensic analysis [fq'rensIk] судебная медицинская экспертиза

test tube пробирка

post-mortem вскрытие (трупа)

sputum ['spju:tqm] мокрота

soothing pills болеутоляющие таблетки

gastric juice ['g1strIk] желудочный сок

intestine кишечник

retina сетчатка

inoffensive drug безвредное (слабое) лекарство

in a sling на перевязи

plaster of Paris гипс

fullness (bags) under eyes мешки под глазами

medical student – медик (студент)(medical students usually spend the first 2 years of medical school in the classroom and the last 2 years seeing patients in a hospital setting).

resident - a resident is a doctor who has graduated from a medical school and is now training in a specific field. Doctors spend from 3 to 7 years in residency training before receiving board certification in their specialty. Residents providing care are supervised by attending physicians who must approve their decisions.

fellow - a fellow has completed medical school and residency training, and is getting additional clinical training in a specialty.

attending physician -an attending physician has completed medical training and has primary responsibility for the care of the patient. While overseeing care, the attending may supervise a team of medical students, residents, and fellows.

hospitalist - hospitalists are doctors who usually specialize in internal medicine, family practice, or pediatrics. A hospitalist caring for your child will be in contact with your family doctor but will manage treatment while your child is hospitalized. Hospitalists don't have private practices, so their time is devoted to caring for hospitalized patients.

physician assistant (PA) - медсестра, помогающая врачу(a physician assistant, under the supervision of a trained doctor, examines patients, diagnoses and treats simple illnesses, orders tests and interprets results, provides preventative health care counseling, assists in surgery, and writes prescriptions. Most PAs have a college degree and have completed a 2- to 3-year training program).

doctor on-call -the "doctor on-call" is a physician working on weekends, evenings, and other shifts to answer questions or cover emergencies


1. AIDS and the work place. A guide for employers. Michael Howard. Department of Employment and the Central Office of Information. London SW1H 9NF

2. English Vocabulary in Use (advanced) Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell

3. Streamline English connections (pre-intermediate) Bernard Hartley, Peter Viney. Oxford University Press

4. Streamline English directions (upper intermediate) Peter Viney, Graham Cawood, Michael Duckworth Oxford University Press

5. A Graded English Course Second Year Kashurnikova L.D.Boitsova T.A., Zhigalev B.A. and others. Москва, Высшая школа, 1995.

6. Английский язык для студентов языковых ВУЗов. Второй этап обучения. Под ред. Кочетовой Л.А. Москва, Астрель, 2006.

7. Tony Grice Nursing. Oxford English for Careers. Student’s book. Oxford University,2007.

8. http://kidshealth.org/kid/grow/drugs_alcohol/alcohol.html

9. http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/23068675/

10. http://kidshealth.org/kid/ill_injure/sick/colds.html#

11. http://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/home/common/addictions/alcohol/273.html

12. http://kidshealth.org/kid/ill_injure/sick/pneumonia.html#

13. http://kidshealth.org/kid/ill_injure/sick/tonsillitis.html

14. http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/skin/chicken_pox.html#

15. http://kidshealth.org/kid/health_problems/heart/whooping_cough.html

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Технический редактор О.В. Вязова

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№ 1806 от 11.03.2009.

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