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Complete the following sentences in appropriate ways, using one word for each blank space

1. We note that you wish for the time being to receive your _____ monthly at your business address after we have credited your salary.

2. It will be easy to complete the account opening _____ when you come to London.

3. On examining the statement I found that a cheque I had drawn in favour of Madam Butterfly Ltd for $180 was _____ twice.

4. We know you will appreciate the situation and hope you can _____ with us until the matter is settled.

5. You should finally select people in your company whose _____ signatures will be required on all cheques and state them on the Account Opening Form.

6. We also acknowledge that we have copies of all the relevant documents together with your balance _____.

7. If we have copies of these before our meeting, we could _____ formalities in a very short time.

8. We are pleased to confirm that we have opened an account _____ your name _____ our bank.

9. Perhaps you would be good enough to let us have them before we meet to enable us to _____ your account opening formalities.

10. But we have paid your cheques on this occasion, although the bank does not allow _____ facilities without prior permission.

11. Our company has been doing business with Smith & Co., Ltd. to our mutual benefit on monthly account terms and they have always been _____ in settling accounts.

12. You know that our company policy prohibits extending credit to customers who have past-due charges _____.

13. I want to establish a _____ order to transfer $900 each month as a rental payment to the account of my landlord at the Royal Bank of Scotland at the end of each month.

14. Our insurance company has promised us a _____ within the next few weeks, and once we have received this the account will be paid _____ full.

15. We are at a loss to understand why we have not heard from you regarding payment of $5,900.00, now more than four months _____.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-14; Прочитано: 324 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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