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Ex.5. Fill in the blanks with prepositions/ particles where necessary. 1. We insist ______ your prompt attention ______ this matter

1. We insist ______ your prompt attention ______ this matter.

2. We are ______ a loss to understand why we have not heard ______ you regarding payment ______$5,900.00, now more than four months overdue.

3. We are certain that you do not want your company’s name ______ that list since it would seriously affect the national as well as regional credit rating ______your organization.

4. We are disappointed that we have not received any answer ______ you ______ response to our recent faxes as well as two registered letters ______ the payment ______ the bill ______ $ 10,000.00 that your company owes us.

5. A review ______ your accounts shows that you have not yet settled your outstanding balance ______ € 8,000.00, which has been ______ our books ______ the past two months.

6. We really must have a remittance ______ return mail.

7. Please, inform us _____ the event there is a valid reason why this balance cannot be paid _____ delay.

8. We are sorry to inform you that your check No.67А, dated May 10, and drawn ______ our company ______ the amount ______ $785.00 is not good.

9. Unless we hear ______ you ______ five business days – ______ or ______ January 25 – we will turn your delinquent account ______ ______ our collection agency.

10. If the above listed amounts are ______ order, we would appreciate receiving your check ______ $1,500.00 immediately.

11. As you are a valued customer who has always been prompt ______ paying ______ time, we are wondering why we have not heard ______ you ______ this matter.

12. Your disregard ______ our previous reminders and personal telephone calls ______ your account, which is long overdue and delinquent, leaves our company no choice but to serve this demand ______ you ______ full payment.

13. An examination ______ our records indicate that the following two amounts – ______ a total ______ $450.00 – are due ______ your company.

14. This letter also serves as notice ______ you that unless you contact us ______ calling or writing ______ ten days ______ today, we will turn your account ______ ______ collection proceedings.

15. If your cheque ______ €15,000.00 is not ______ our hands ______ July 19, your account will automatically be referred ______ the Bernstein Collection Agency ______ forced collection.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-14; Прочитано: 215 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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