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Expressing preferences for activities

A. I’d rather (read a book) than (listen to records). Wouldn’t you? B. Well, personally, I always prefer (listening to records) to (doing anything else). I’d prefer to (listen to records) rather than (read).

Expressing dislikes and preferences about someone else’s activities.

(My brother watches TV all the time) but I don’t like him (watching it so much) I’d rather he (did smth useful) I wish he’d (do smth else occasionally)


I. Talk about your own personal likes and dislikes in: books, sport, food, drink, film stars, leisure (dancing, eating out, etc.) travelling (flying, driving, etc.), music.

II. Talk about your own personal preferences.

III. Talk about things you think other people (friends, relatives, etc.) should do. First mention their habits that you don’t like.

IV. Talk about things you do or like doing but which other people would rather you didn’t.

E.g. You like visiting friends at weekends. Your (parents) would prefer you to stay at home.


Find English equivalents.

А. 1.-Я очень увлечен игрой в теннис. 2.-Правда? А я не люблю теннис, но люблю баскетбол. В. 1.-Что вы предпочитаете: чай или кофе? 2.-Я предпочитаю чай. С. 1.-Я бы лучше поехал на поезде, а не полетел на самолете. А вы? 2.-Ну, лично я всегда предпочитаю летать само-летом, а не ехать поездом. Д. 1.-Мой брат очень много курит. 2.-Я бы хотел, чтобы он бросил курить.   a) I’d rather go by train than by plane. Wouldn’t you? b) I wish he would give up smoking. c) Really? I don’t like tennis, but I like basketball. d) Which do you prefer: tea or coffee? e) My brother smokes a lot. f) Oh, I prefer tea. g) I am very keen on playing tennis. h) Well, personally, I always prefer going by plane than by train.

Exchanging information about occupations.

Обмен информацией о работе

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