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Remember the Language for. Making a Request Высказать просьбу Complying Исполнить просьбу Refusing politely Отказать в просьбе Could you ?

Making a Request Высказать просьбу Complying Исполнить просьбу Refusing politely Отказать в просьбе
  Could you …? Will you (please) …? Do smth, will you?   Sure. Certainly. Yes, of course. O.K. I will. With pleasure.   I'm afraid, I can't. I wish I could. Sorry, I can't.


I. Change the orders into polite requests.

Model: Hold the line.

a) Will you hold the line, please?

b) Hold the line, will you?

1. Pick me up at the office.

2. Buy some CDs.

3. Show me round.

4. Develop the pictures.

5. Answer the phone.

II. Ask someone to do things for you:

Model: see you home. Will you see me home?

Remind you to call Nick; call you up at the office; give you a lift; do the translation; keep a seat for you.

III. React to the following requests using:

Certainly! Of course! Most willingly. Here you are. All right (I will). I'm afraid, I can't. Sorry, I can't.

1. May I have a word with you?

2. Give me a telephone directory, will you?

3. Could you give me a form to fill in?

4. Could you spare me a moment?

5. Will you put our names on the list?

6. Will you please pass me the reference book?

7. Will you give me a lift to the station?

8. Will you call me at 6?


Find English equivalents.


А. 1. Не могли бы вы подвезти меня? 2. Охотно. В. 1. Извините за беспокойство, но не могли бы вы передать мне словарь? 2. Разумеется. С. 1. Позвоните мне в 6, пожалуйста. 2. Боюсь, что не смогу. D. 1. Не могли бы вы помочь мне с переводом? 2. К сожалению я не могу. Е. 1. Проводите меня домой, пожалуйста. 2. С удовольствием. F. 1. Не могли бы вы дать мне бланк для заполнения? 2. Вот, пожалуйста. a)Call me at six, will you? b)Could you give me a form to fill in? c)Could you give me a lift? d)Will you please see me home? e)Could you help me with the translation? f)I hate to bother you, but could you pass me the dictionary? g)Here you are. h)With pleasure. i)I am afraid, I can't. j)Certainly. k)Most willingly. l)I wish I could.

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