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Remember the Language for. Suggesting an argument for and against

Suggesting an argument for… … and against

Выдвинуть аргумент за… …и против

A. One of the main arguments, I would have thought, in favour of… is that… then, on the other hand … B. But remember/don’t forget, …

Countering an argument…

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A. That can’t be (true), can it? or But that just isn’t (true), is it? Surely that’s not always (true/the case), is it?   I mean, what about …?  

Putting a further argument…… and interrupting politely

Выдвинуть дополнительный аргумент… … и вежливо прервать

what’s more, A. And of course, then again, Excuse me. Did you say, B. that…? Just a moment. Do you mean that…?

Responding to an interruption… … and seeking clarification

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A. Exactly (yes), that’s just what I meant. No. That’s not what I meant at all. B. In that case, are you seriously suggesting …? do you mean to say…?

Correcting a misunderstanding… … and apologizing, then agreeing /


Устранить недопонимание извиниться, согласиться или не


A. I am afraid, you misunderstood me. (I didn’t make myself clear) What I said (meant) was this:… Let me rephrase what I said:… B. Oh, I’m sorry, I misunderstood you. Then I agree with you (completely). But I still can’t agree with you.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 297 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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