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Job hunting is the act of looking for employment. It is also known as job seeking. The immediate goal of job seeking is usually to obtain a job interview with an employer which may lead to getting hired. The job hunter or seeker typically first looks for job vacancies or employment opportunities. Depending on the branch different methods of advertising and finding may be used. Traditional jobs such as mechanics or craftsman developed different ways than for example the IT branch. Common methods of job hunting are: using a job search engine (a website which facilitates job hunting); looking through the classifieds, i.e. classified advertisements, in newspapers; using an employment agency or recruiter; finding a job through a friend. Even if your friends have no influential connections or can’t assist you in employment at the present moment, let them know that you are seeking a new job. A worthy position may turn up in a week’s time. And during this week you are to conquer the net, newspapers and recruiting agencies.

After finding a desirable job, one should then apply for the job by responding to the advertisement. This may mean e-mailing or mailing in a hard copy of your résumé to a prospective employer or to a job consultant agency. Different employers have different ways and means of the application form.

One can also go and hand out résumé or Curriculum Vitae to prospective employers. Another recommended method of job hunting is to use the so called cold-calling to companies that one desires to work for and inquire whether there is any job vacancy.

There is no one correct way to write a résumé but it is generally recommended that it be brief, organised and concise. With certain occupations, such as for example graphic design portfolios of a job seeker's previous work are essential and are evaluated as much, if not more than the person's résumé.

Once an employer has received your and other résumés, they will make a short list of potential employees to be interviewed based on the résumé and any other information contributed. During the interview process, interviewers generally look for people who they believe will be best for the job and work environment. The interview may occur in several rounds until the interviewer is satisfied and offers the job to the applicant of their choice.

Nowadays job hunting includes applying to companies outside the home town and sometimes maybe even outside the country. Flexibility is one of the main criteria for job applicants. Personal skills as well as personal appearance are more important than any time before. In earlier times jobs were static with certain duties and responsibilities without interconnection to other jobs, departments or companies. Nowadays this interconnection between different fields of work within a company or sometimes between different companies in different countries result in increasing requirements to every employee which are usually tested during the process of the job interviews and the noviciate.

The time factor is also very important. Nowadays it is important to apply to the right job with the right application and at the right time as job applications analysis is a hard work for the companies. They have to review, sort out, invite, make arrangements upon and for a job applicant and his/her interview. Saving their time and respectively their money may be the first step into a successful job application.

Task 33. Translate the sentences into English:

1.Дуже часто відбір починається з аплікаційної форми. 2. Якщо Вас запросили на інтерв’ю, значить, Ваша аплікаційна форма або резюме викликали зацікавлення та були відібрані серед інших. 3. Портфоліо – це Ваша візитна картка для працедавця і чим краще воно буде складене, тим успішнішим і швидшим буде Ваш пошук. 4. Кожна фірма має свої вимоги до кандидатів і власні критерії оцінювання. 5. Залежно від сфери діяльності компанії використовуються різні методи реклами вакансій і, відповідно, їхнього пошуку. 6. Не існує єдиного способу написання резюме, але відомо, що воно повинно бути стислим, лаконічним та добре структурованим. 7. Одним із методів пошуку роботи є повідом­лення знайомих і друзів про це. 8. Інтерв’ю може складатися з кількох етапів, під час яких здійснюється відбір. 9. Сьогодні пошук роботи дуже часто ведеться за межами рідного міста, а інколи й країни. 10. Гнучкість – одна з найважливіших характе­ристик сучасного кандидата на більшість посад. 11. Тести стають невід'ємною частиною відбору на роботу. 12. Під час інтерв’ю працедавці шукають кандидата, який найкраще підходитиме на певну посаду, а також у певне робоче середовище. 13. Дуже важливо, щоб галузь, у якій Ви працюєте, відповідала Вашому стилю життя та Вашій особистості. 14. Практично в кожній фірмі кандидати перед працевлаштуванням проходять випробувальний термін. 15. Заощадження часу, а, отже, і коштів працедавця, може бути першим кроком до успіху.

Task 34. Think over and then write for half an hour on one of the following issues:

A. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: the fact that a manager is headhunted is the evidence of his/her high qualification?Support your answer with arguments.

B. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: to be a headhunter contradicts to business ethics?Support your answer with arguments.

C. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: good preparation for a job interview will guarantee an applicant getting the job he/she wants?Support your answer with arguments.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 7460 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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