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Applied grammar. (see grammar reference § 6)


Task 14. Imagine that you work in a large company. Ask your colleague and then say what he answered according to the model: Ask your colleague if he plans his everyday activity. – Do you plan your everyday activity? – Yes, I do. I plan my everyday activity. – He said that he planned his everyday activity.

1. If he uses data obtained from accountants. 2. If he recommended to the top management how to improve the financial strength of the firm. 3. If he is planning budget. 4. If he took up audit matters. 5. If he is aware of finance. 6. If he is responsible for getting funds for the firm. 7. If he was planning possible expenditures of funds. 8. If he analyzed the tax implications of company’s managerial decisions. 9. If he performed his work perfectly well. 10. If he obtained the funds to solve urgent problems. 11. If he considers the difficult situation of the firm. 12. If he expected money being repaid within a year. 13. If he used money for buying new equipment. 14. If he recovered enough money to start the project. 15. If he spent money on his professional education.

Task 15. Change from Direct into Indirect Speech according to the model:

I said, “I involved short-term and long-term forecasting, budgeting and financial controls” – I said that I had involved short-term and long-term forecasting, budgeting and financial controls.

1. I said, “I will print a prospectus for prospective investors”. 2. They said, “We have increased our earnings”. 3. We said, “She used the dividends received for her professional development”. 4. They said, “We did not pay dividends to stockholders for two years”. 5. He says, “I do not use long-term funds”. 6. They said, “We will decide who is going to manage the firm”. 7. They said, “We will pay principal and interest payments to bond holders next month”. 8. He said, “I had loaned money to the firm”. 9. They promised, “We will pay the principal amount plus interest in a fortnight.” 10. She said, “We preserved control over the firm”. 11. They said, “Bondholders may represent temporary sources of funds and use them if necessary”. 12. They said, “Bonds may cause difficulties in obtaining other financing”. 13. He said, “I need cash to cover day-to-day spending”. 14. He said, “Our bank was providing different kinds of loans”. 15. They said, “Our bank will lend a borrower unsecured short-term credit that is agreed beforehand”.

Task 16. Change from Direct into Indirect Speech according to the model:

He asked me: “Did you get the proxy?” – He asked me if I had got the proxy.

1. He asked me: “Have you ever been to a stock exchange?” 2. She asked him: “Does your company use the temporary sources of funds?” 3. They asked her: “Are you a treasurer of the company?” 4. He asked us: “Will you take the trade credit?” 5. He asked me: “Are commercial banks providing different kinds of loans?” 6. They asked her: “Do you know how to obtain and manage the funds you need to start up and get along with the business efficiently?” 7. They asked him: “Will you be able to optimise profits and guarantee the best use of money?” 8. She asked me: “Does your average financial plan involve short-term and long-term forecasting, budgeting and financial controls?” 9. He asked them: “Have you been comparing actual revenues, costs and expenses with projections?” 10. She asked me: “Does the stock exchangelet you as a member to buy and sell securities to the public?” 11. They asked him: “Have you analyzed the situation for the investor in terms of possible income, cash requirements and level of risk?” 12. She asked us: “Was anybody assisting you in developing a comprehensive program involving insurance, investments and taxes?” 13. They asked him: “Did you consider the problem of insurance coverage protecting life, health and your household from the possible accidents, failures and losses?” 14. They asked her: “Will you buy the insurance?” 15. He asked me: “Do you differentiate between speculative risk and pure risk?”

Task 17. Change from Direct into Indirect Speech according to the model:

He asked me: “When did you get your life insurance?” – He asked me when I had got my life insurance.

1. He asked me: “When is it possible to reduce the risk?” 2. She asked him: “What did self-insurance guarantee?” 3. They asked her: “What does insurance policy stand for?” 4. He asked us: “When did insurance company determine the premium?” 5. He asked me: “What kinds of loses can an insured person or organisation collect from an insurable risk?” 6. They asked her: “What does life insurance presuppose?” 7. They asked him: “Which rates for life insurance are lower?” 8. She asked me: “What does the owner insurance enable the firm to do?” 9. He asked them: “How do employers guarantee safety of job for employees?” 10. She asked me: “Why has risk management become one of the most important and dynamic functions in business?” 11. They asked him: “Who worked as a risk manager?” 12. She asked us: “Why does life insurance market have a great potential?” 13. They asked him: “Who stands for a person who calculates the extent of a loss?” 14. They asked her: “Who predicts future possible losses on the basis of historical data?” 15. He asked me: “How many careers in risk management, proposing versatile opportunities to get into business, are there?”

Task 18. Change the following sentences from Indirect into Direct Speech:

1. He said that the costs necessary to start up a business were increasing every day. 2. They said that the risk of failure, bankruptcy and financial losses had increased. 3. She said that she would consider the risk management to be the major one among the other business issues. 4. We say that the best way to protect against the risk is to buy insurance. 5. He said that insurance was rather expensive cost. 6. He said that they would be looking for other sources of managing risk. 7. She told me that their enterprise might earn additional funds through buying new machinery. 8. They told him that they had reduced the risk by self-insuring against the risk. 9. They said that they were reducing the risk through purchasing and using safety devices to protect employees from possible accidents. 10. He said that chance for risk was always present. 11. He said that he would avoid risks by not being involved in hazardous activities. 12. She said that as a true manager she had to understand accounting. 13. They said that they had minimised the taxes paid by the firm. 14. He said that he was trying to cope with financial problems himself. 15. He said that the company required additional funds.

Task 19. Translate the sentences into English using Indirect Speech:

1. Він каже, що облік доходів може вести фінансовий дирек­тор. 2. Він каже, що переглядав рахунки дебіторів. 3. Вони кажуть, що накопичували капітал впродовж 10 років діяльності фірми. 4. Бухгалтер сказав, що балансовий звіт буде готовий через годину. 5. Він каже, що його проект підтримали на раді директорів. 6. Він каже, що перелік потенційних інвесторів не містив назви його банку. 7. Вона каже, що вважала корпоративні справи закінченими. 8. Менеджер доповів, що відділ постачання зменшив витрати на доставку товару. 9. Вони повідомили, що затримають виплату дивідендів на невизначений час. 10. Вона сказала, що отримала додаткову знижку на покупку. 11. Фінансо­вий директор повідомив, що грошові надходження збільшились вдвічі порівняно з минулим місяцем. 12. Директор повідомив, що наступного року ми розширюватимемо компанію. 13. Він сказав, що заплановані витрати не передбачають закупівлі нового офісного обладнання і нам необхідно задіяти зовнішнє фінансу­вання. 14. Вони пояснили, що минулого року фірма надавала перевагу іншим постачальникам. 15. Вони кажуть, що застосують методи матеріального заохочення. 16. Він сказав, що наступного року наша корпорація інвестуватиме новий проект. 17. Вона звітувала, що відділ збуту довів до мінімуму повернення товару та оптимізував доходи. 18. Він сказав, що вніс гроші пізніше від встановленого терміну, і йому загрожує судовий позов. 19. Він сказав, що й надалі зберігатиме контроль над поставками товару. 20. Вона повідомила, що у фінансовій частині нового проекту були значні недоліки.

Task 20. Translate the sentences into English and transform them into Direct Speech:

1. Він запитав, чи потрібні нам додаткові кошти. 2. Вони запитали, які відповідні заходи ми вжили. 3. Вона запитала, як обчислювати витрати на виробництво. 4. Вони запитують, коли постачальники доставлять вантаж. 5. Він запитав, чи зможемо ми покрити витрати. 6. Він запитав, наскільки попит на ринку України відповідає нашій пропозиції послуг. 7. Вони запитали, чи користувалася попитом наша продукція. 8. Він запитує, чи буде надана йому можливість провести презентацію. 9. Ми запитали, наскільки великими були фінансові витрати на страхування. 10. Вони поцікавилися, чи будуть нам створені вигідні умови праці. 11. Вони запитали, чи роботодавець гарантує безпеку праці. 12. Вони поцікавилися, чи наша фірма була коли-небудь задіяна в ризикованій діяльності. 13. Вони запитали, які ще фінансові питання нас цікавлять. 14. Він запитав, коли ми пода­вали судові позови. 15. Вона запитала, коли ми здійснили оплату. 16. Ми запитали, коли наші партнери будуть оплачувати рахунки. 17. Вона запитала, як ми обчислювали можливі втрати. 18. Ми запитали, коли він виплатить відшкодування. 19. Вона запитала, чи вони обчислювали ризик банкрутства. 20. Він запитав, хто з працівників виходить на пенсію наступного року.

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