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Exercise 6. Answer the following questions

1. Where is the USA located?

2. What countries does it border on?

3. Which of America’s 50 states is the largest?

4. What kind of climate is typical for different parts of the USA?

5. Is it true that its rivers and lakes are of great value as waterways and a body of fresh water?

6. Is the land of the USA favourable for agriculture?

7. Are the natural resources beneficial for the American people?

Exercise 7. Read the following dialogues and act them out

1. - Hello, Martin! I am so glad to see you.

- Hello, Roy! Pleased to meet you again. How are you?

- Pretty much the same. Thanks. How are you getting on?

- Never felt better in my life. Thank you. I have just returned from a business trip to the USA.

- Was it successful?

- Yes, it was. We signed a trade agreement and concluded a number of profitable contracts.

- My congratulations!

- Thank you. Besides I had a chance of visiting some picturesque places this time.

- So you combined business and pleasure.

- Definitely. I had a short rest at a resort in the mountains. It was great fun. I am flying to the USA one of these days.

- Will it be your first visit to the USA?

- No, it won’t. I have been to New York twice. I have seen almost all the sights in New York. Now I am planning to see the Niagara Falls and Grand Canyon.

- They are worth seeing. I have been to California. It is a beautiful country. The climate is mild and the scenery is wonderful.

- Have you seen the Colorado River?

- Certainly. It flows into the Gulf of California.

- They say California is the biggest state in the USA?

- Texas is bigger. It occupies the southern part of the USA. It is rich in natural resources, especially in oil. Do you know what the nickname of Texas is?

- Does every state in the USA have a nickname?

- Sure. The nickname of Texas is “Lone star”.

- Is there any state named in honour of George Washington?

- Yes, there is. That is the state Washington. Its nickname is “Evergreen”.

- Thank you for the information. A colleague of mine says that Americans who want to come to the capital of the USA must have passports. Is it true?

- No, it isn’t. Your colleague was joking. As far as I know Americans need passports for going abroad only.

- My colleague was pulling my leg. Don’t you think so?

- That’s exactly what I wanted to say.

2. - I say, Peter could you tell me what city is the capital of the state Texas?

- Sure. It is Austin. Do you know what the abbreviation of Texas is?

- No idea.

- It is “Tex”. It is important to know if you are going to send a letter or a telegram to Texas.

3. - Have you ever been to John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts?

- Yes, I have. It is the memorial to President Kennedy in Washington. It was opened in 1971 on the Potomac. There is an opera hall, a concert hall and other facilities.

- Is the opera hall large?

- It houses 2,200 seats.

4. - I heard baseball is very popular with Americans.

- It is the most popular game in the USA.

- In what season is it played?

- It is played in spring and summer. The professional baseball teams play well in the fall.

5. - What do you know about Abraham Lincoln?

- If my memory doesn’t fail me, Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the USA.

- Why was he called “The great Emancipator”?

- During his presidency the “The Emancipation Proclamation” was adopted (1863).

- Did it give freedom to Negro slaves?

- Exactly.

Exercise 8. Translate, reproduce and learn by heart

1. - Як поживаєш, Джейкоб?

- Never felt better in my life. How are you, Michael?

- Так само. Дякую. Коли ти приїхав із США?

- The other day.

- Ти отримав задоволення від поїздки?

- Yes, I did. I combined business and pleasure.

- Це ж як?

- We concluded some profitable contracts, we had a chance of visiting very nice places in the USA.

2. - Have you ever been to Detroit?

- Ніколи Але я знаю, що це центр автомобільної промисловості.

- To what cities have you been?

- Я був у Нью-Йорку, Бостоні й Філадельфії.

- What of the cities did you like best?

- Важко сказати.

3. - Is the word “Delaware” familiar to you?

- Так. Це назва одного із штатів у США.

- What is the capital of Delaware?

- Місто “Dover” є столицею цього штату.

- How is the state of Delaware abbreviated?

- “Del” – скорочена назва штату Delaware.

- Thank you for the information.

- Нема за що.

Exercise 9. Speaking

a) Give a brief description of the geographical position and the climate of the United States. Be sure to mention the relief, the climate zones and the biggest rivers and lakes and the largest and the most important cities.

b) Imagine that you are preparing a quiz show devoted to the USA. Think of questions you would like to include in a quiz and put them down.

c) Your favourite TV programme is “The Window into America”. Say what makes you love this programme.

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