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By canal

eg. The goods were transported by canal to London.

4. channel [′ t∫ænl ] noun countable

1) a television station and all the programmes that it broadcasts:

eg. the news on Channel 4. The kids are watching cartoons on the Disney Channel.

He changed channels to watch the basketball game.

2) a system or method that you use to send or obtain information, goods, permission etc: eg. The U.S. is working through diplomatic channels to find a solution.

The new software will be sold through existing distribution channels.

Channel of

eg. It is important that we open channels of communication with the police.

3) sea/river

a) an area of water that connects two larger areas of water: St George's Channel

b) the Channel British English the area of water between France and England = the English Channel

c) the deepest part of a river, harbour, or sea, especially where it is deep enough to allow ships to sail in.

4) a passage that water or other liquids flow along: an irrigation channel.

5) a particular range of sound waves which can be used to send and receive radio messages;

6) a long deep line cut into a surface or a long deep space between two edges,

syn. groove: eg. The sliding doors fit into these plastic channels.

7) a way of expressing your thoughts, feelings, or physical energy.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 286 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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