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Language work. Exercise 1.Match the following verbs with the correct definition

Exercise 1. Match the following verbs with the correct definition.

anneal to melt metal and then pour it into a form, e.g. iron components
anodize to make thin sheets of metal by passing it between large rollers, e.g. steel
electroplate to shape metals by heating and then hammering, e.g. horse shoes
forge to make materials tough by cooling them slowly, e.g. glass
found to make something softer, e.g. fibres
galvanize to heat and then cool metals to obtain the required hardness and elasticity, e.g. steel
roll to protect from rusting by coating in zinc, e.g. food cans plate to give a metal a protective coat by using it as an anode in electrolysis, e.g. car components
soften to polish or sharpen by rubbing on a rough surface, e.g. stone
temper to cover one metal with a thin layer of another, e.g. silver plate
grid to cover with a thin layer of metal using electrolysis e.g. car components

Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences with words in brackets (structure, mine, mechanics, industry, hard, chemistry).

1. In the _________industry, __________develop processes for producing plastics, fibres, medicines, etc. from simple chemicals.

2. Producing steel using the Bessemer process is one of the best-known

_________ processes.

3. Most __________ devices need oil as a lubricant.

4. Following the earthquake, every building had to be inspected to see whether it had suffered any ___________ damage.

5. Certain chemicals are added to glue to __________ it.

6. Excavators and power shovels are two types of __________ equipment used by _________ when they are removing rocks from the ground.

Exercise 3. Here is an extract from a speech made by a careers advisor to a group of students choosing their future courses of study at university. Complete the speech by choosing one of the words given below:

● machines ● highway ● mechanical

●civil ●physics ●electrical

●production ●electronic ● chemical


Engineering students should have an understanding of maths, _________ and chemistry. Working with pharmaceuticals, food, mineral processing and chemical manufacturing, a __________ engineer is trained to understand, design, control, and investigate material flows. If you enjoy problem solving and find projects such as the Channel Tunnel and the Three Gorges Dam interesting, _________ engineering may be for you. You will produce creative designs at an economical price while paying due concern to the environment. If your interest is in road building then you may decide to follow a specialized course in __________ engineering. By studying _____ and _________ engineering you learn about the design of complete systems, such as computers, controllers, power and transport systems. _________ engineers plan, design and _________a wide range of things: washing machines, cars and spacecraft. ________ engineers work very closely with mechanical engineers, to make new products at the right price, on time and in the correct quantity. As well as designing and selecting __________ and materials, they also organize people and finance.

Exercise 4. Match the chemical with the correct description.

Benzene an alcohol with the formula CH30H

Aromatics compound of oxygen and another element

Ethylene compounds that react with acids to give off carbon dioxide

Olefins contains six carbon atoms in a ring

Fluorides made fram propene and often used for kitchen tools for example

Carbonates the simplest olefin, it is a sweet-smelling gas that is

used to make plastics

Chlorides a group of compounds made by cracking alkanes and


to make plastics and antifreeze

methanol chemicals that contain the benzene ring

nitrates compounds containing chlorine and another element

oxides inorganic compounds of fluorine that are added to


polypropylene contain N03 and a metal cation

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences using proper words of the topic. Translate them.

1. Farmers use this to kiIl insects: __________.

2. These fibres are made from chemicals: _________.

3. Farmers use these to make plants grow: _________.

4. This describes a paint which dries quickly: ________.

5. This describes a paint that doesn't have a shiny appearance: ____.

6. This industry makes soaps and beauty aids:__________.

7. These give food a good taste: _________.

8. This describes a plastic that doesn't bend: __________.

Exercise 6. Here is the first part of a speech about the chemical industry. The letters of the missing words in brackets are mixed up. Complete the text with the missing words.

Huge quantities of chemicals are used today. Products of the chemical industry include (a) ____ (sposa), fibres and explosives. The starting point in the manufacture of chemical products is (b) _______ (bicsa) chemicals and these include (c) ______ (adics), for example sulphuric acid, and (d) _____ (akillsa), for example sodium hydraxide. Sulphuric acid is one of the best-known acids and is used to make (e) ______ (fizterriles), plastics, (f) ______ (ptaisn), dyes, detergents and other chemicals.

Alkali mixtures containing sodium and potassium are used to manufacture (g) _____ (gslas), soap and textiles and are also used in refining crude (h) ______ (lio).

(i) ________ (imeditterane) chemicals such as synthetic resins are made from these basic chemicals, and then used in further chemical (j) _________ (peecorsss).

The modern chemical industry began towards the end of the 19th century. William Perkin discovered (k) ______ (dsey) fram coal. These were soon being used by the (I) ______ (tlextie) industry. Shortly after, Alfred Nobel invented dynamite which was the start of the (m) _____ (epsolxevis) industry. The discovery of celluloid by Hyatt and bakelite by Baekeland led to the creation of the (n) _______ (piltascs) industry.

The (o) ______ (pchemlacetori) industry grew rapidly after 1950 when petroleum became very important in the production of organic chemicals.

Plastics have different properties: strong and (p) ________ (tugho),

(q) __________ (tpentrasarn) or heat (r) (ritessant).

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 2623 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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