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Grammar. Exercise 6. Translate into Ukrainian

Exercise 6. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. Phone Bill at his office. He may still be there.

2. John may still be away in France. He might have a lot of work to do there.

3. Let me try to find his address. It could be in my old telephone book.

4. You must be tired after your journey. Have a good rest.

5. Betty must know a lot about life in the country. She was born on a farm.

6. A computer like this can't be so expensive!

7. Where can Alice be? I need her to get the documents ready.

8. Don't wait for me. I might be late home tonight.

9. You must remember this place. We've already been here.

10. Can he really think so?

11. "Your secretary must be very good at languages." "Oh, yes. She can even

speak Japanese!"

Exercise 7. Translate into English using modal verbs or their equivalents.

1. – Ви, напевно, Бетті, наша нова помічниця. – Так, а ви, ймовірно, Том. Я багато чула про вас.

2. Нашим партнерам можуть сподобатись ці ідеї, але я не зовсім впевнений.

3. Цей номер телефона не може бути невірним.Вони, напевно, все ще у від’їзді.

4. Ви, можливо, мене не пам’ятаєте, але я вас пам’ятаю дуже добре. Ми навчались разом в університеті.

Білл сьогодні тут? – Не знаю. Я його не бачив. – Я теж. Де він може бути? Я повинен з ним поговорити.

Exercise 8. Choose an appropriate modal verb, translate.

1. There are traffic jams in this road, so you (must, have to) stop very often, and for a long time, too!

2. "You (mustn't, needn't, don't have to) smoke so much!" said the doctor. "Oh," the man answered. "I know I (must, have to) give up smoking. You (mustn't, needn't, don't have to) explain that to me. I can feel it!"

3. I (don't have to, mustn't, needn't) forget to ring up my uncle. It's his birthday today.

4. You (must, have to) come and have a look at our garden. It's lovely now!

Exercise 9. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. My daughter could play the piano when she was only six.

2. Old Tim could dance very well when he was young.

3. I couldn't go to the theatre yesterday.

4. I didn't ring you because I couldn't remember your telephone number.

5. We could see the game quite well from our seats.

6. Couldn't you hear me when I phoned you?

7. We couldn't speak English at all last year.

8. He didn't speak clearly, so a lot of people couldn't understand him.

9. They asked me the way in English, and I was able to show it to them.

10. The boy couldn't tell us the way because he didn't understand English.

11. I was glad I was able to finish my homework before the movie began.

12. I was so sorry I couldn't finish my homework before the movie began.

13. I could hear you very clearly, but you couldn't hear me.

14. Could you watch the game on the telly yesterday?

Exercise 10. Insert the appropriate modal verbs (must, may, can, need, to have to, to be able to).

1. You... not come to help them tomorrow: the work is done. 2. You... not change the whole text as the beginning is all right. You... only rewrite the second part of it. 3.... you help me now? — I am afraid not: I am in a great hurry. I shall be free in the evening. Come to my place at about eight, and I... help you. 4. John... not tell us the rules of the game: we know them. 5.... I return the book to you on Friday? I am afraid I... not finish it before. — No, that is too late. You... bring it to me not later than Wednesday. 6. It is already six o'clock. We... hurry if we don't want to be late. 7.... you translate this text into English? — I think I... 8. They spent all the morning on the river bank. Only Ann... return home as she... not stay in the sun for such a long time.

Exercise 11. Make the following sentences refer to the past and future.

1. They must rigidly attach pulleys and gears to the shafts.

2. We should carefully determine the capacity of a winder.

3. Power engineers have to use high vacuum tubes in industrial equipment.

4. These pipes are able to convey fluids.

5. We can harden the high carbon steel by heating it to a certain temperature and then cooling in water.

6. This steel must be used for automobile parts such as gears, springs and shafts.

7. Some lathes can do over two hundred various operations.

8. We must cut different metals at different speeds.

9. They can cast metals into varied shapes.

Exercise 12. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. "Do you have to take your children to nursery school?" "Yes, I do." "Do you have to fetch them home, too?" "No, I don't. My husband usually does that on his way from work."

2. "Do you have to stay in town at the weekend?" "No, I don't. I can go to the country if I like."

3. "Don't you have to get up early?" "Yes, I do, very early, I have to get up at half past six on weekdays."

4. "You don’t have to travel to work, do you?" "Yes, I do. It’s too far to walk."

5. "Your colleague doesn’t have to ring the factory manager again, does he?" "No, he doesn’t."

6. "We don’t have to answer all those letters at once, do we?" "No, of course not."

7. "She doesn’t have to give up swimming, does she?" "Yes, she does, I’m afraid. The doctor says so."

8. "Which days do you have to get up early?" "Wednesdays and Fridays."

9. "Why do they have to stay so late in the office?" "There’s a lot of work to do today."

10. "Why does your wife have to spend so much time cooking?" "She doesn’t. She simply loves cooking. It’s her hobby."

Exercise 13. Translate intoUkrainian. Mind modal verbs and their equivalents.

1. A digital computer is able to multiply two 10-digit numbers in the time it takes a jet plane to fly 1 inch.

2. Many physical phenomena may be used to construct new tools.

3. A thermometer should be considered as a simple analogue computer.

4. It is to draw an analogy between the expansion and temperature.

5. Any mechanical handling equipment must be repaired in time.

6. Mining engineers had to choose earth-moving equipment for their open-cast mine.

7. Automatic control will have to be widely used.

Exercise 14. Translate into English using modal verbs or their equivalents.

1. Мій брат живе на околиці міста, а працює в центрі, тому він повинен вставати дуже рано.

2. Вам доводиться їздити на роботу в час пік? - Ні. Робота починається в 11:00.

3. Мені не хочеться кидати курити, але треба.

4. Мій приятель втратив свій англо-російський словник, тому йому доводиться користуватися моїм.

5. Він змушений рано виходити з дому, тому що він дуже далеко живе.

6. Я не люблю вставати рано, але мені доводиться.

7. Ви повинні кинути палити, якщо хочете добре себе почувати.

8. Я повинен рано вийти з дому сьогодні.

9. Вибачте, я повинен піти зателефонувати.

10. Їй не можна так багато їсти.

11. Мені не можна спізнитися на поїзд.

12. Йому не слід так багато працювати.

13. Ми обов'язково повинні зробити всі вправи? - Ні, ви можете зробити перші три. Цього достатньо.

14. Я обов'язково повинен зателефонувати всім цим людям сьогодні? - На жаль, так. Я погано себе почуваю і не можу вам допомогти.

Мені підготувати всі документи до завтрашнього дня? - Ні, не обов'язково. Можете зробити це до середи.


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