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Exercise 10. Paraphrase using Passive

Ex: They are going to interview some other candidates. Some other candidates are going to be interviewed.

1. They are going to interview three girls for a job.

2. They will only choose one of them to work with their firm.

3. They told the girls to type the letters both quickly and carefully.

4. They have actually taken a decision, but they haven't told us about it.

5. They will ask new designers to find out the decision the next day by telephone.

6. We have already made some inquiries.

7. They would prefer a more experienced worker.

Exercise 11. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. It’s a serious matter. If she were more serious about her work, she wouldn’t do so many mistakes.

2. A lot of work is being done in preparation for the agricultural fair.

3. A team of TV reporters came to film the last-minute preparations for the exhibition.

4. This company was set up a few years ago.

5. We find the idea of setting up a joint venture very attractive.

6. The preparations for setting up a joint venture are in full swing.

7. Various art schools are represented in this museum.

8. Our order could be larger if your prices were more attractive to us.

Exercise 12. Translate into English.

1. Інтерв’ю транслювалося по телебаченню минулого тижня.

2. Ми впевнені, что проблема буде вирішена незабаром.

3. Фірму продемонструють декілька представників дочірнього підприємства.

4. Низку пластмас вже повністю замінили вогнестійкими будівельними матеріалами.

5. Для цієї роботи створюють новий сплав, більш стійкий до умов з великим навантаженням.

6. Інженеру запропонували застосувати каталізатори для регулювання швидкості реакції.

7. Завдяки керованій термоядерній реакції людство отримає невичерпну кількість енергії.


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