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Names of persons

Names of persons No article The definite article The indefinite article
1. Names of persons a) as a rule no article is used – There was a letter from Susan inviting me to a party. b) modified be attributes old, young, little, dear, poor, honest, lazy, simple, lucky – Young Jolyon was standing by the piano. – She is a widow of poor George. a) with a name in the plural to indicate the whole family: – He is very different from the rest of the Kents. b) with the name modified by a particularizing attribute: – Is he the Sheldon who is a write? – She was no more the Juliaof the first years of their marriage. With a name modified by a descriptive attribute when a) the limitation is clear from the context or situation: – He caught the paralyzed Madeleinein his arms as the door flew open again. b) the attribute indicate s a permanent quality of the person in question: – He slapped him on the shoulder, which startled & slightly annoyed the prim George Augustus. a) one member of a family: – I have often wondered if Tim was really a Burton. b) when names of persons indicate typical features of a well-known name: She felt like an Alice in Wonderland. c) when nothing is known about the person except their name, and with names of persons modified by the adjective “certain”: – I heard it from a (certain) Mr. Jagger.
2. Nouns of relationship a) followed by a proper name: Uncle Jolyon, Aunt Polly b) not followed by a proper name and used only by the members of the family: She went into the hall: “Is Mother back?” a) if other people’s relations are meant: – The son was as clever as the father. b) the expressions: – Lomonosov was the son of a fisherman. – Becky was the daughter of an artist.  
3. Nouns denoting ranks, titles, professionfollowed by a proper name academician Brown, professor Burton, count Brown Nouns denoting profession & occupation followed by a proper name: – The painter Warhol left many fine pictures. – The shoemaker Brown is very old. A foreign title followed by a proper name The Baron Munchausen, the Emperor Napoleon III, the Tsar peter the Great

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 289 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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