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THE ARTICLE. 2. Suppose you are a police officer

2. Suppose you are a police officer. Recount the case of hi-jacking.

3. Andersons have just been on to W. Buckhurst. Now he briefs Peter Wiles about the situation.

4. Report the situation as if you were the driver of the hi-jacked lorry.

5. Recount the situation as if you were a hi-jacker.

6. Act on behalf of Peter Wiles and report the situation to Hector Grant.

7. Make a presentation Mr. Roberts could have delivered about the case in question. Explain why the insurers were not liable in the case of the damaged cargo.

8. Report on your visit to Moorland Valley as if you were Christopher Thorn, focus your attention on the difference in opinion between Christopher Thorn and Mr. Roberts on the value of damage to the equipment.

9. Act out the dialogue between

a. Peter Wiles and William Buckhurst

b. Peter Wiles and Christopher Thorn before his trip to Moorland Valley

c. Christopher Thorn and Mr. Roberts

d. Peter Wiles and Christopher Thorn after his trip to Moorland Valley

* Краткая характеристика компании

* International Subscriber Dialing – Международный телефонный справочник

* survey sample – обследуемая группа

* живет на широкую ногу


The article is a structural part of speech used with nouns.

There are two articles in Modern English: the indefinite a/an used only with nouns in the singular & the definite the article used with nouns both in the singular & in the plural.

The indefinite article is used:

1. With countable nouns in the singular to show that the noun belongs to a certain class (has the meaning какой-то, один из, любой). In the plural no article is used in this case. Have you got a car?-Never.

2. With a countable noun mentioned for the first time. I’ve bought a hat. It is expensive.

3. To talk about smb’s job. She is a doctor. He works as a pilot.

4. With a noun in general sense (has the meaning of every, any ). A drawing man catches at a straw.

5. In the meaning of one. Wait a minute!

6. After the construction there is/are & it is, this is. There is a letter on the table. It is a book.

7. After the words such, rather, quite. What…! Ann is such a pretty girl. What a strange person!

8. With a noun modified by the adjective in the positive degree. Are you a good driver?

9. a/an+ordinal numerals has the meaning ещё один. She gave me a second cup of coffee.

10. Also with a dozen, a hundred, a thousand, a million, a week, an hour in the meaning “one”. We have English classes twice a week.

The definite article is used:

1. With a noun when it is clear in the situation which thing or person is meant, or with the noun mentioned before. Can you turn the light please? We stopped at a village. The village was old but nice.

2. When the noun is modified by a particularizing attribute (an of-phrase or an attributive clause, always used in post position). He knocked at the door of the nearest house. This is the flat that Ann bought. The apples I’d bought were not ripe.

3. With the nouns modified by the adjective in the superlative degree & the ordinal numbers. But: a most - in the meaning весьма, крайне. It’s a most interesting film!

4. With the nouns in the singular used in the generic sense. The tragedy & the comedy first appeared in Greece.

No articles:

1. Before the nouns modified by the pronouns: possessive: my, his, her, its, our, your, their; demonstrative: this, that, these, those; interrogative: what, which, whose; indefinite: some, any, each, every, many, much, no; cardinal numerals. My friend & I would like to spend our holidays in some quiet place. I’d like to read this book. What question have you discussed? Take any book you like. Platform 2, size 42, page 5, room 49.

2. Before plural countable nouns in general sense. Children learn a lot from playing. I like pets.

3. most + noun (without article)- the noun is used in general sense. Most+of+the - definite objects are meant. Most children like ice-cream. Most of the streets in London are not wide.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 474 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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