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The use of articles with nouns of material and abstract nouns

Nouns of material In a general sense – no article When modified by a particularizing attribute or the situation makes it definite – the Notes
Butter, tea, iron, water, honey, wine, snow, etc. – Blood isthicker than water. ­– He doesn’t like coffee. – She was as pale as snow. ­– Rosa tasted the wine. It was good. – The coffee she made was hot. – She looked with hungry eyes at the breadandmeat the landlady brought her. 1. When an indefinite part of the substance is meant, some/any are used. – I bought some bread and cheese. 2. We use a/an when: a) sorts of food are meant – They give a good coffeehere. b) a portion of something is meant – He drank a tea and went out. – I’ll buy you an ice. c) the noun indicates an object made of a certain material – There is a tin of sardines on the table. – She has bought a paper.
Abstract nouns – While there is life there is hope. – What fine weather we are heaving! – They walked in silence along the path. – Last night I heard “Carmen” and enjoyed the music. – We enjoyed the stillnessof the air. – He was in a state of the greatest excitement. A/an is used with uncountable abstract nouns a) when modified by a descriptive attribute which brings out a special aspect. – A hot anger rose in the chest. – There was a wonderful happiness everywhere. b) when the adjectives changes its meaning and becomes a noun – I have just seen a real beauty.
Anger, beauty, curiosity, freedom, happiness, love, modesty, pride, time, respect, etc.
Adjectives, adjective pronouns, adjectivized participles An only child in the family, a first love, a first night, a first time, a first child, a last minute decision(поспешное решение) The right, the left, the very (тот самый), the only, the main, the principle, the central, the left, the right, the same, the following, the former (первый), the latter(последний), the first, the last  
  Silence-тишина молчание Decision- решительность Kindness- доброта Experience- опыт Favour- милость Indiscretion- неосторожность   Failure- неудача Nature- природа   A silence-пауза     A decision- решение A kindness- доброе дело An experience-случай A favour-одолжение An indiscretion- неблагоразумный поступок A failure-неудачник A nature- натура

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