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EXERCISE 19. What do you know about health care system in Ukraine? Agree or disagree with the following statements. Comment on your answer

1. The health care system in Ukraine is privatized.

2. Every citizen in Ukraine is provided with medical insurance.

3. Most Ukrainians don’t visit the doctor for minor health problems.

4. Ukrainians put no trust in folk remedies.

EXERCISE 20. Read the following parts of the word combinations on the left which describe American medical care and match them to those on the right:

1. to provide a) high medical costs

2. to afford b) over the counter

3. to receive c) insurance

4. to purchase d) health care

5. to need e) funding from the city government

6. to range f) in prices

EXERCISE 21.1. Read the text ‘Safe and Sound’. Be ready to complete the following sentences choosing the correct continuation out of three suggested:

1. Health care in the United States …

a) differs greatly from most European health care systems;

b) is slightly different from European health care systems;

c) follows the European pattern of health care.

2. Medical insurance is provided to Americans …

a) by the state;

b) by their employers;

c) by charity groups.

3. Students who work part time …

a) have to buy private insurance;

b) visit ‘people’s’ clinic;

c) don’t need insurance.

4. Many Americans prefer …

a) to visit the doctor for any minor problem;

b) to buy over the counter medicines for minor health problems;

c) to buy prescription medicines for minor health problems.

5. Americans put more trust in …

a) folk remedies;

b) home remedies;

c) high-tech procedures.

6. Over the counter medicines are …

a) expensive;

b) cheap;

c) free of charge.

7. One thing that Americans place their faith in is …

a) herbs and roots;

b) grandmother’s advice;

c) chicken soup.

8. Technological advance include:

a) laser surgery;

b) rubbing the aloe juice inside on the skin;

c) a shot of whiskey.

21.2. Before reading discuss the meaning of the following word-combinations:

1. to provide health care for smb. 9. technological medical advances

2. medical insurance 10. home/folk remedies

3. to be staffed by smb. 11. high-tech procedure

4. to be sympathetic to smb. 12. transplant

5. to receive funding from smb. 13. laser surgery

6. minor health problems 14. healing power of smth.

7. allergy 15. to place one’s faith in smth.

8. to visit a drugstore/pharmacy 16. to rub smth. inside on the skin

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 494 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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