Ñòóäîïåäèÿ.Îðã Ãëàâíàÿ | Ñëó÷àéíàÿ ñòðàíèöà | Êîíòàêòû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!  

Related words, word-combinations and expressions

I. Complaints:

headache – ãîëîâíèé á³ëü

ear-ache – óøíèé á³ëü

stomach ache – øëóíêîâèé á³ëü

back ache – ñïèííèé á³ëü

sore – õâîðèé, çàïàëåíèé

to be / to feel sick – íóäèòè, â³ä÷óâàòè íóäîòó

to suffer from – ñòðàæäàòè â³ä

appetite – àïåòèò

to be nervous – íåðâóâàòè

weak heart – ñëàáêå ñåðöå

to have a running nose – íåæèòü

to feel feverish – çíîáèòè, ìîðîçèòè

the temperature falls=drops, goes down – òåìïåðàòóðà ñïàäàº, ï³ä³éìàºòüñÿ

to have a high (low, normal) temperature – âèñîêà, íîðìàëüíà òåìïåðàòóðà

to cut one’s finger – ïîð³çàòè ïàëüöÿ

cut – ïîð³ç

to break a leg (an arm, etc.) – çëàìàòè íîãó, ðóêó …

wound – ðàíà

to be consciousness = to lose consciousness – áóòè áåç (âòðàòèòè) ñâ³äîìîñò³, çíåïðèòîìí³òè

to recover consciousness – ïðèéòè â ñåáå (ï³ñëÿ íåïðèòîìíîñò³)

to come to oneself – ïðèéòè â ñåáå (ï³ñëÿ íåïðèòîìíîñò³)

to feel dizzy – ïàìîðî÷èòüñÿ â ãîëîâ³

heart (lung, kidney, liver) problems – ñåðöåâ³, ëåãåíåâ³, íèðêîâ³, ïå÷³íêîâ³ ïðîáëåìè

to injure – ïîøêîäèòè

to sprain (v), sprain (n) – âèâèõíóòè (䳺ñë), âèâèõ (³ìåí)

swollen cheek (arm, leg, etc.) – ðîçïóõëà ùîêà, ðóêà, íîãà …

to swell (v), swelling (n) – îïóõàòè (䳺ñë); ïóõëèíà, ïðèïóõë³ñòü (³ìåí)

splinter – çàíîçà

abscess – íàðèâ, ãí³éíèê

II. Examining a patient:

to strip to the waste – ðîçäÿãòèñü äî ïîÿñà

the tongue is coated – ÿçèê îáêëàäåíèé

a weak breath – ñëàáêå äèõàííÿ

to examine smb. (v), examination (n) – îáñòåæèòè (䳺ñë); îáñòåæåííÿ (³ìåí)

to listen to one’s heart – ïîñëóõàòè ñåðöå

to see one’s tongue – ïîäèâèòèñü ÿçèêà

pulse – ïóëüñ

to diagnose (v), diagnosis (n) – ïîñòàâèòè ä³àãíîç (䳺ñë); ä³àãíîç (³ìåí)

complications – óñêëàäíåííÿ

III. Treatment:

to treat smb. (v), treatment (n) – ë³êóâàòè (䳺ñë), ë³êóâàííÿ (³ìåí)

sick-list = medical certificate – ë³êàðíÿíèé (ëèñò)

to keep one’s bed – ëåæàòè â ïîñòåë³

to stay in bed – çàëèøàòèñü â ïîñòåë³

compress – êîìïðåñ

diet – 䳺òà

to be operated on áóòè ïðîîïåðîâàíèì

bandage – áèíò, ïîâ’ÿçêà

to cure – ë³êóâàòè

to gargle – ïîëîñêàòè

in / out patient – ñòàö³îíàðíèé / àìáóëàòîðíèé õâîðèé

pain killer -áîëåçàñïîê³éëèâ³ ë³êè

III. Idioms and expressions:

what is the matter with you? – ùî òðàïèëîñü ç òîáîþ?

what is the trouble? – ÿê³ ïðîáëåìè?

consulting hours = office hours – ÷àñè ïðèéîìó, ÷àñè ðîáîòè

you look the very picture of health – âè âèãëÿäàºòå íåïåðåâåðøåíî

I feel a great deal better – ÿ ïî÷óâàþñü íàáàãàòî êðàùå

on call – ïî âèêëèêó

black and blue – â ñèíöÿõ

born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth – íàðîäèòèñÿ â ñîðî÷ö³

dead as a door nail – áåç ÿêèõîñü îçíàê æèòòÿ

over one’s dead body – «ò³ëüêè ÷åðåç ì³é òðóï»

give up the ghost – ñïóñòèòè äóõ

kick the bucket – ïðîòÿãíóòè íîãè, âìåðòè

give someone a dose of his own medicine – â³äïëàòèòè êîìóñü ò³ºþ æ ñàìîþ ìîíåòîþ

nutty as a fruitcake – áîæåâ³ëüíèé

EXERCISE 2. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is the best triad of a brilliant human’s health?

2. Do most of people take pills to improve their health?

3. Why are diseases, caused by germs so dangerous? Which of the common illnesses are provoked by germs?

4. What are the conditions, which may help people to prevent many diseases?

5. Is there any good in mass media while averting some deceases?

6. Why is smoking considered to be a deadly habit?

7. Do you think staying in bed is preferable while having serious health problems? Is home treatment always stimulatory?

8. Is high temperature a reason to call a district-doctor? In what cases it is approved?

9. Who will be the first person meeting ill people in the hospital?

10. Why being ill is the more unpleasant thing? Is reason in lack of care?

11. What is ‘thorough examination’? Why is it important?

12. Does speed recovery depend on quality of medicine man’s taking?

EXERCISE 3. Complete the sentences from the text:

1. Many people can’t keep from thinking that good health …

2. Good health is the sum of …

3. A sound mind in …

4. Disease is the improper function …

5. … to prevent many diseases.

6. No smoking will decrease …

7. … we are rather run down and look miserable.

8. If you are a toothache you should consult …

9. Having a heart attack you call …

10. If you got influenza, just … to avoid …

11. Some prescriptions can be …

12. You should deny … if the illness is serious.

13. Before going to the hospital you should …

14. The nurse in the hospital … and relates …

15. Being in hospital you are under …

16. The doctor … for your disease.

17. If the illness is serious you will have …

18. … you may hope to speed recovery.

EXERCISE 4. Say true or false:

1. Many people keep from thinking that good health is better than the best medicine.

2. Good health is the sum of total of your physical, mental and social well-being.

3. You should take medicine regularly to have ‘A sound mind in a sound body’.

4. Disease is the improper function of your physical processes.

5. To prevent diseases, caused by germs, you must go in for sport.

6. Sport can prevent heart diseases and help you keep yourself fit.

7. Immunization can prevent many disease, but not all.

8. People can control many illnesses over TV or radio.

9. Having a flue, you may run for a mile or two early in the morning to avoid pneumonia.

10. The pills, prescribed by doctor, are usually made up at the chemist’s.

11. Home treatment is good for serious illnesses, but is not right for cases when an operation is needed.

12. Being in hospital you get a constant doctor’s care only if you have a buzzer on the bedside table.

13. To avoid feeling the pulse, measuring the pressure and making a blood test, a doctor will destine you an X-Ray.

14. If you fulfill all the doctor’s instructions, you may hope for a speed recovery.

15. You miss the nurses and doctors when leaving the hospital.

EXERCISE 5.1 Find in the text words and expressions similar in meaning to the following:

1. A substance used to cure an illness or injury

2. State when someone is healthy, happy, and comfortable

3. Disagreeing with a plan or activity

4. An illness caused by an infection or by a failure of health and not by an accident

5. To look a pretty picture of health

6. Incorrect work and activity of some organs

7. To make an animal or man protected against an illness

8. To stop something happening or to stop someone doing something

9. To go to a particular doctor to get information or advice

10. To make a complete investigation and testing of one’s body and mind

11. Medical service, intended for rapid delivery of seriously ill people to the hospital

12. Emergency when someone's heart suddenly stops working correctly, sometimes causing death

13. Shaking the body because of cold or fear

14. Pediatrician

15. A serious illness in which your lungs fill with liquid and it is difficult to breathe

16. A physical feeling or problem which shows that you have a particular illness

17. Mental existence apart from real things

18. Medical treatment when a doctor cuts someone's body to remove or repair part of it

19. Not to allow someone to have or do something

20. The set of services provided by a medical institution for treating people who are ill

21. A fixed number of regular medical treatments

22. A photograph that shows the inside of your body

23. Putting a medical stuff into your body using a needle

24. To do what a doctor says

25. Feeling better or happier again after an illness

Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2014-12-28; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 202 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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