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Productive assets in order to maximize their net wealth. Their interest in running a corporation

Would seem to be identical to the interest of any domestic investor who owned that same

Corporation. In other words, the profit-maximizing behavior of a corporation presumably does not

Depend on the nationality of the owner of that corporation. If the Eden Roc Hotel in Miami Beach

is taken over by Arabs (as indeed it was), would the service be any different in the long run? Economic

Analysis predicts that it would not.

Commentary and Notes to Text

Direct foreign investment — прямые иностранные инвестиции

The global integration — глобальная интеграция

Real estate — недвижимость

Buying binge — скупка

Unabated — не ослабевал, не спадал Read the text “Expansion of Japanese Industry and Capital in the USA,” translate it

And enumerate the nations mentioned in the text, which make investments in the USA.

Expansion o f Japanese Industry and Capital in the USA

A few years ago a famous US historian, Theodore White, wrote, “The Japanese are on the move

again in one of history’s most brilliant commercial offenses as they go about dismantling American

industry.” White suggested that the Japanese economic invasion of the United States during the

S was analogous to its military invasion of Pearl Harbor in 1941. Other historians, commentators,

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 165 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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