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None the less highly integrated world-wide operation has the most successful approach

Commentary and Notes to Text

A commonly accepted definition — общепринятое определение

Bartlett and Ghoshal — известные американские экономисты

Strong local presence... — сильное местное присутствие...

Centralized production — централизованное производство

The parent company — родительская, материнская компания

None the less — тем не менее

Highly integrated... operation — в высшей степени комплексная деятельность

Nothing could be more American than Burger King, Brooks Brothers, A&P supermarkets, Smith

& Wesson guns, and the Pillsbury doughboy, right? Not quite, for those companies are now owned,

Respectively, by the British, the Taiwanese, the Japanese, the Canadians, and the unified Germans.

The Japanese own over half the office space in downtown Los Angeles. Chicken of the Sea tuna is

Owned by an Indonesian firm. The venerable Algonquin Hotel in New York is owned by a group from

The Far East. The Carnation Company is now owned by Nestle, S.A., from Switzerland. Firestone

Tire and Rubber is now owned by the Japanese company Bridgestone. In late 1989 Mitsubishi, a

Japanese company, purchased a 51 percent stake in Rockefeller Center in the middle of Manhattan.

Direct foreign investment in the United States has increased to the point where some Americans

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 220 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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