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Are starting to want to restrict it. Direct foreign investment is the quintessential evidence of

The global integration of the American economy. The estimate for foreign purchase of US real

estate, buildings, and businesses for 1991 is as high as $100 billion. This buying binge by foreigners

Started in the late 1970s and has continued unabated. Much of it has been due to political instability

And worries about loss of capital in many parts of the world. Latin Americans fearing continued

Revolution and political unrest have invested heavily in the United States, particularly in Florida.

* Bartlett Donald L is an American economist.

** Ghoshal Sumantra is an American economist (an Indian School of Business). Read the text “Has Globalization Affected the USA?” Make a synopsis of it.

Has Globalization Affected the USA?

During periods when Western Europe thought that communism would take a strong hold, the

Germans and the French increased their investments in the United States. Also, when the value of

The dollar fell dramatically in the late 1980s, everything in America suddenly looked cheap to the

Rest of the world, particularly to the Japanese. So because of the first law of demand, they bought

More, and the US became even more of a world-integrated economy.

Why is the question of foreign control important? Presumably, foreign investors purchase American

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