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Ish mean a designated zone in a depressed, generally inner-urban area, in which firms located in

The zone are given favourable taxation concessions and freedom from a number of planning constrains.

Eleven zones (with a maximum size of about 200 hectares) were adopted when such zones

Were introduced in Great Britain in 1981. Firms were granted a ten-year exemption from rates and

A 100 per cent taxation allowance on new building. The UK government announced in 1989 that

No further enterprise zones would be created, by which time twenty-seven had been established.

An intensive inflow of capital with stimulating production activity started in these zones. The structure

Of Shannon, the Irish airport, is a typical industrial and production zone.

Technnology introduction zones came into being in the 1970s and 1980s as a means of supporting

The research and development centres. Such technopolises operate in the US, Japan, China.

They are called technoparks in the US, technopolises in Japan, areas of development of new and

High technologies in China. The organization called the Moscow Science and Technical Complex

Founded by professor of eye microsurgery S. Fyodorov was such a technopark in Russia. The famous

Silicon Valley technopark (the US) where 20,000 people are employed gives 20 per cent of

The world production of computer technology.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 220 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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