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A) In the values of stocks traded in the secondary market

B) In the values of company assets which issued stocks to the public.

C) In the values of both assets and stocks of the company.

6.The institutions that handle secondary trading are:

A) The stock exchanges, state-owned banks, insurance companies.

B) The stock exchanges, trade houses, commercial banks.

C) The stock exchanges, brokerage houses (investment bankers), and the over-the-counter

(OTC) market.

7.To trade stocks on the exchanges it is necessary:

A) For stocks to be listed at the Ministry of Commerce (Trade).

B) For stocks to be qualified by the Chamber of Commerce.

C) For stocks to be qualified and listed in the NYSE.

8.To stabilize the stock market the floor brokers can:

A) Buy or sell when there are no other offers, so that the market will not be subject to great


B) Inform the brokerage house about the situation in the secondary market.

C) Make independent decisions only when the market collapses.

Oral Practice

Enact in English with roles using the given cliches, set expressions,.and some prompts.

Work, with partners.

Общеизвестно, что рынок, ценных бумаг является Oh, yes, it is a very ча speсcific market.

тью финансового рынка. Другая его часть — банк •the оsecurities вindustry, cсertificatesof

Кие услуги. Выпуская ценные бумаги, можно пол owуnershiчp (stocksи), certifiтcates oьf debt

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 163 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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