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Или брокерская компании, являющиеся членами

Биржи. Членство стои т денег; кроме того, нужно

Иметь безупречную (impeccable, spotless) репутацию.

Простой покупатель или фирма могут судить о положении

Дел на бирже по публикуемому ежедневно индексу.

Например, для Нью-Йоркс кой фондовой биржи это

Индекс Доу-Джонса (средняя цена акций тридцати наиболее

Известных компаний, внесенных в реестр этой



Reading (skimming, scanning for subject and language study) Read the text “Stock Exchange” and make a synopsis of it in written form and show the

Economic importance of stock exchanges.

Stock Exchange

By stock exchange we usually mean a market in which securities are bought and sold. There are

Stock exchanges in most capital cities, as well as in the larger provincial cities, in many countries.

The largest in terms of market capitalization is the New York Stock Exchange, followed by London.

Other important markets include the Tokyo Stock Exchange, NASDAQ (over-the-counter

market), and the Association of Exchanges of the Federal Republic of Germany (Deutsche Borse).

Continental European exchanges are often referred to as bourses (Fr.).

The economic importance of stock exchanges is that they facilitate saving and investment, first

By making it possible for investors to dispose of securities quickly if they wish to do so, and secondly

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 177 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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