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Deposit additional money or face being forced out of his position. This is called margin maintenance

It is the inability to deposit additional funds that causes the great investor losses during a

Market collapse, because buying on margin is essentially obtaining a loan from the broker — who

In turn borrows from a bank. The loan must be repaid, even at the risk of personal bankruptcy.

As a guide to stock market trends, various organizations compile market averages. The most

widely known is the Dow Jones industrial average, compiled by Dow Jones & Company, the publisher

of the Wall Street Journal. Standard & Poor’s Corporation and the New York and American

Exchanges list market averages constructed on a broader base than the Dow. The terms bull and

Bear are used to describe upward and downward market trends.

Newspapers carry daily reports of market activity. These reports give information on the previous

day’s trading for each stock and bond on all the exchanges and on the OTC, or NASDAQ, market.

Terminological Vocabulary to Text 18.4. Try to memorize it

Stock market — рынок акционерного капитала, фондовый рынок

Securities — ценные бумаги

Collapse — крах, крушение, катастрофа

Point — пункт, единица (индекса, например, Доу-Джонса)

To exaggerate — преувеличивать

The paper economy — бумажная экономика

Certificates of ownership — сертификаты собственности

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 238 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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