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Stock Exchange (NYSE) has more trading volume than all the other American exchanges put

Together. The value of its listed stocks is also the greatest. The London Stock Exchange lists more

Stocks, and the Tokyo Stock Exchange exceeded all others in trading volume by the late 1980s. The

Other exchanges in the United States are the American Stock Exchange (in New York City), the

Мировая экономика

Midwest Stock Exchange (in Chicago), the Pacific Stock Exchange (in Los Angeles and San Francisco),

And the exchanges in Boston, Philadelphia, and Cincinnati.

Not all stocks trade on the exchanges. To be traded on the NYSE, a stock must be listed. This is

The procedure by which a stock qualifies for trading. Only the most reliable corporate stocks are

listed in the NYSE — securities offered by IBM, General Motors, AT&T, and similar companies.

The term OTC is used when the trading of securities does not take place through the stock exchanges.

The OTC market is very large and exists in all parts of the United States. The companies whose

Securities are traded are often smaller, new, or riskier, or they may not meet listing requirements. In

Addition to stocks, the OTC market handles nearly all trading in government bonds, all municipal bond

Trading, and most corporate bond trading. There was no sure way to determine the best price for a stock

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 197 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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