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В размере (в процентах)... — in the order of

Экспортный потенциал — export potential, export capacity

В одностороннем порядке — unilaterally (in one-sided way), one-sidedly

Таргетинг — targeting

Oral Practice. Round Table

Hold a business exchange of opinions.

The proper analysis of the economic situation in the world and the main commodity markets is

Necessary for any nation, branch (industry), or firm.

In this unit we have concentrated on classification signs (features) of commodity markets and

The estimated figures characterizing their market situation.

Now try to answer the following questions:

Do you share the views supporting the necessity of preserving a primary products export orientation

of Russia?

2. Where is the recoupment of capital investments better: in mechanical engineering and electronics

or in primary products industry? Why do you think so? Give your reasoning.

3. What is the targeting? Is it used against Russia?

Written Practice

Summarize the unit in a paragraph of about 300-350 words.

U n it 18. Stock Market. Stock Exchange

Preview Basic notions

This unit will cover the most general features stock (share)of the stock market,

Objectively far more b complex than the markets foor pnrodducts

And s e r v i cmaerkset. aceghnx

We are going to get the knowledge of the p r i m a r y a n d lsiestcondary

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 207 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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