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The shift of the epicentre — смена эпицентра

The onset of the crisis occurrences — начало кризисных проявлений

40. “creeping” into the crisis — ≪вползание≫ в кризис

Long waves theory — теория длинных волн

Wholesale prices — оптовые цены

Outstripping values — опережающие показатели

Coinciding values — совпадающие показатели

Lagging values — запаздывающие показатели

16.5. Reading for Specific Information + Language Study

Oral Practice. Work with a partner and discuss these comprehension questions on text 16.4

1. How can we characterize an ideal economy?

2. What does the term “business cycle” mean?

3. What trends are characteristic of the phase of the cyclic peak?

4. What events follow one another in the phase of recession?

5. What does the trough testify to?

Name the well-known world economic crises.

Name the most probable reasons for the fluctuations in business activity and the factors of the

Cyclic nature of economic development.

8. Can all fluctuations in business activity be explained in terms of business cycles?

9. Does business activity depend upon a long-term trend in the economy?

10. In what way are business cycles reflected in different sectors of the economy? Give a few ехаm

Ples from the branches of heavy industry and food-processing industry (пищевой отрасли

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 189 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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