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Instrument engineering 8.6

Mechanical enginering 23.9 Other ransportequipment 1.17

Textile ind ustry 10.1

Paper and paper products, printing. Publishing

R.isce124gohnew ltscer19aobdnpuPitsco fsgoitn is169onF r145onCtcut


Machinery and data

Processing equipment


M e t a l


F o o d, d r in k

A n d t o b a c c o 3 9.6

M o t o r v e h i c l e

A n d p a r t s 5 8. 6

C h e m i c a l

I n d u s t r y 4 1. 3

Manufacture of non-metalic mineral 'products 29.6Electrical and electronic enginering 34.7

Figure 13.2. Percentage of total employment in selected industries in businesses with 1000 or

More workers

Source: adapted from CSO, Business Monitor.

Vocabulary Notes to Text

A large number of branches — разветвленная сеть филиалов

Retail bank — розничный банк

Credit bank — кредитный банк Read the text "Technological Innovation" and answer the following questions:

What are the advantages of the joint European research?

What fundamental discoveries have been made due to joint research?

Technological innovation

The founders of the European Union rightly saw that Europe's future prosperity would depend

On its ability to remain a world leader in technology. They saw the advantages to be gained from

Doing joint European research. So, in 1958, alongside the EEC, they set up Euratom — the Euro-

Pean Atomic Energy Community. Its aim was to enable the member states to jointly exploit nuclear

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 208 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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