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Example searching for a new material fora product; (c) experimental or development work on new

inventions or the improvement of existing products and processes. All three types of R&D are

Carried out by government research laboratories, universities, research institutes and company research

establishments. About 2 per cent of the employed labor force is engaged in R&D work in the

United States and about half that percentage in Europe. However, these figures relate to professional,

recorded R&D workers only; a substantial amount of research and development is carried

On by amateurs and in small firms which goes unrecorded.

That basic minimum may be seen as an "entry-ticket" to the modem world.

Commentary and Notes to Text

Pure research — чисто теоретические исследования

Applied research — прикладное исследование

Amateur — любитель

Go unrecorded — быть незарегистрированным Read the text "Innovation" and make a synopsis of it.



By innovation economists mean putting new products and services on to the market or new

Means for producing them. Innovation is preceded by research that may lead to an invention which

Is then developed for the market. Innovation is an important source of economic expansion and

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 162 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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