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At the ladies’outfitter’s

Salesgirl: What can I get you, Madam?

Dora: I’m looking for a new outfit for myself.

Salesgirl: What exactly did you have in mind?

Dora: I’m not quite certain, may be a blue skirt and a blouse to match.

Salesgirl: What size do you take?

Dora: My waist is 23 inches, my bust is 36 inches.

Salesgirl: Well, would you like to come this way please, and I’ll show you some blouses. How about this one? It’s silk.

Dora: I like the style but I think I’d prefer a cotton one in pink.

Salesgirl: I’m afraid we haven’t any in stock at the moment. But as you see we have some other colors.

Dora: How much is this red one here?

Salesgirl: It’s 5 euro.

Dora: It would go well with my new high-heeled shoes and the necklace my husband gave me. May I try it on?

Salesgirl: Yes, certainly. The fitting–room is over there. But why not take a skirt as well?

Dora: That’s a good idea. I like this dark blue one over here.

(five minutes later, in front of the mirror)

Yes, I think it suits me very well. But don’t you think the skirt is a bit long?

Salesgirl: Oh, no, it’s the fashion now and fits you perfectly.

Dora: May be. How much is that all together with the skirt?

Salesgirl: It only costs 14 euro.

Dora: That’s a bit more than I wanted to spend. But I like this outfit very much.

Salesgirl: Remember, the material is first-rate, and I think the style is very elegant.

Dora: So I’ll take it.

Salesgirl: All right.Thank you.

Dora: Goodbye.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 238 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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