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Союз both … and – и … и/как … так и

Both for grown-ups and teen-agers как для взрослых, так и для подростков.

Упражнение 20. Замените в предложениях союз and на сложный союз both…and.

1. Their son and their daughter go to school. 2. I like to go to big and small shops. 3. We’ll go to the ready – made clothes and to the shoe department. 4. There are some newspapers and magazines on a small table. 5. I need a pair of shoes and a new T- shirt. 6. I’ll show you some blouses and skirts.

2.19. This way, please. Сюда, пожалуйста.

2.20. To be continued. Продолжение следует

2.21. What size do you take? Какой размер вы носите?

2.22. How much is this red one here? Сколько стоит эта красная (блузка)?

2.23. It would go well with my new high-heeled shoes and the necklace my husband gave me. Это подойдет (будет хорошо сочетаться) с моими новыми туфлями на высоком каблуке и ожерельем, которое мне подарил муж.

2.24. But why not take a skirt as well? Но почему бы не взять также и юбку? (Перед инфинитивом отсутствует to)

Упражнение 21. Составьте вопросы типа: Why not take a skirt?, используя словосочетания: to have some hot tea, to go shopping, to come back, to consult a doctor, to stay in bed, to take some medicine, to use the usual treatment, to improve one’s business. Ответьте на них выражением That’s a good idea.

Упражнение 22. Вставьте вместо точек предлоги after,at, by, for, from, in, of, off, on, to, up, with.

1. I need a pair... shoes.2 I'd like to buy a tie... your father and a cardigan... your grandfather.3 I've already learned a sonata... Shubert. 4. I haven't made... my mind yet.5. I guess, he'll be pleased... a small stool... his feet. 6. He likes to sit reading… his armchair. 7. We'll talk about it... breakfast. 8. What do we have... breakfast? 9. You don't go hunting to bring some food... your family, Mother buys it... the supermarket not far... our house, so we are equal....our rights. 10. This time I'm....duty, but next time it'll be Emily’s turn. 11. I'm just taking some things … my room and going... the garage. 12. I guess we are going... the department store 13. Get off, I'll park the car. 14. Wait... the entrance! 15. Call me... if you want me to come. 16. I'm looking... a new outfit... myself.17. What exactly did you have... mind? 18. I like the style but I think I'd prefer a cotton one... pink. 19. I'm afraid we haven't any... stock … the moment. 20. May I try it...?

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 266 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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