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Exercise II. Translating the sentences below, be careful to choose for each common English root word in bold type a semantically corresponding Ukrainian equivalent

1.1 couldn't take the chance of letting it be known that there was doubt. 2. There used to be some doubt about sensitization tests. 3. He took her hand gently, his anger dissolving, only a vague, disquieting sense of doubt remained. 4. In her voice there was a trace of doubt. 5. «What do you propose to do about Brian's bill?» «I doubt we can do anything». 6. O'Donnel had no doubts that Rufus would have facts to back up a complaint like this. 7. «That's good news,» O'Donnel decided to shelve his earlier doubts. 8. One always has doubts in such cases. 9. He was a doubting Thomas without faith or hope in humanity and without any particular affection for anybody. (Dreiser) «I agree with the original diagnosis of a perfo­rated ulcer». «No doubt at all?». (A.Huxley) 10. «The baby died, Joe, I think you heard.» «I think I know what you want to say.» «Don't you think things are going pretty poor round here?» «By the way, do you know Dr. Gringer?» «I have no influence with him» «But you have - he thinks the world of you.» (A.Cronin) She did not think much of his plan. (London) «You think all your geese are swans... never met a painter who didn't.» (Galsworthy) She thinks small beer of painters. (Thackeray). 11. The driver turned once or twice with the intention of venturing a remark, but thought better of

it. (Ibid.) 12.... the old people minded the day when he was thought little of. (E.Yates) 13. You kept from thinking and it was all mar­velous. (E.Hemingway) 14. Think today and speak tomorrow. (Prov­erb) 15. «I reckon you want to think twice before leaving my house.» (Cronin) He wondered, if the amputation to be performed tomorrow was necessary or not. «By the way, Doctor, the baby's umbilical cord has been cut short. I wondered, if you knew that or not.» He wondered if the older man was right or wrong. And so I became their wonder boy. (M.Wilson) 16. It was a nine days' wonder in the club. (Dreiser) 17. For a wonder he was not sea-sick. (C. Reade) 18. He ties his white neckcloth to a wonder. (Thackeray) 19. The seven wonders of the world. (Proverb) 20. «Are you sure about this date?» 21. «I'm not sure, I can explain, Mike.» 22. «I'm not sure I like the way we're doing this.» 23. Vivian was not quite sure what was happening. 24. «As sure as a gun - this is he.» H.Fielding) 25. «Well, I'm sure!» said Becky; and that was all she said. (Thackeray) 26. «Don't know, I'm sure.» (Ibid.) 27. They'll make for the camp as sure as fate». (A.Doyle) 28. «Bill,» he answered, nod­ding his head. «Sure, Pete, and no other.» (London) 29. Then I slipped down to the ground and crawled in among the trees, and, sure enough, there was Tom Sawyer waiting for me. (Mark Twain) 30. «I'm going to have a fight with Dad, sure as certain.» (D.Carter)

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