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Topics for Self-Testing and Class Discussion

1. Name the classes of sense units which do not undergo any structural transformation in the process of translation.

2. Expand on the nature of inner/implicit transformation of the source language/sense units in the target language.

3. Define the nature and types of outer/explicit transformation of the language/sense units in the process of translation.

4. Explain and exemplify the outer phonetic/phonological trans­formation of some language units in the process of translation.

5. Give examples of some possible transformations of the En­glish and Ukrainian simple/compound words and word-groups includ­ing internationalisms and specific notions of national lexicon/cultur­ally biased elements.

6. Identify the grammatically/objectively conditioned transfor­mations of sense units and point out the devices employed to achieve faithfulness in their translation.

7. Explain the reason of employment of stylistically conditioned transformations of language/sense units in the process of translating.

8. Explain the transformation which occurs through omissions, additions, extensions, reductions, etc. in the target language in the process of translation.

9. Name the main transformations employed in the process of translating Ukrainian evaluative (and connotative) lexis (diminutives and augmentatives).

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 439 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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