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Stylistically/subjectively predetermined transformations

In many a case transformations of sense units are performed for the sake of achieving a fuller expressiveness. Thus, in the sen­tence «Just remember you are working for Doctor Page.» (Cronin) the underlined part may have two semantically equivalent variants: 1. «Jo. ж пам'ятайте», що ви працюєте на лікаря Пейджа» or «He забувайте, що ви працюєте на лікаря Пейджа». The second variant, however, is somewhat stronger since it implies threat. To achieve more expres­siveness, the translator may change the outer and inner form of the sense unit in the target language, as in the sentence «We have stacked piles of brickbats under the corners of the piano box to keep the floor of it dry.» (Caldwell) 1. Щоб утримувати підлогу сухою, ми попідкладали битої цегли під кути ящика з-під піаніно; The latter

variant is certainly more concrete here.

Stylistically/subjectively predetermined is always the choice of the inner (content) form of a sense unit in the target language. Cf.: I feel well. (Hemingway) Я почуваюся непогано (добре). A shell fell close. (Ibid.) Неподалік/поруч вибухнув снаряд. In reality, however, any transformation is aimed at a more exact (and more faithful) ren­dering of the source language units into the target language.

Exercise II. Suggest for the underlined parts of the sen­tences subjectively/stylistically or semantically predetermined outer/inner transformations and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. «For she scarcely took her eyes from the ground and she was timid and afraid.» 2. «Priest wants us never to attack.» 3. «I dislike these bastards.» 4. «He was rude, to say the least of it.» (Christie) 5. Four men in their shirt-sleeves stood grouped together on the garden path. (Mansfield) 6.1 told her to keep away t his morning. (Greene) 7. They spoke little and much of what they said was in the Welsh tongue. 8. Indeed she was so eager to make much of him she could barely frame a word. (Cronin) 9. His voice was final and Erik could see that he was exerting his authority. 10. «What difference does it make?» «It makes all the difference in the word». 11. Haviland had overlooked the presentation of his name. 12. He met Erik's silent question without coloring but he smiled. 13. «Was t hat all he said?». 14. «The lab is still open, isn't it?». (M.Wilson) 15. «Wait till you see.» 16. «But if nobody spoke unless he had something to say, Roman race would soon lose the use of speech." (Dreiser)

17. «Eat till you can just stagger across the room with it.» (S.Leacock)

18. «You can stay there until you're old enough to go away.» (Saroyan)

19. «I wish I had known it was your friend.» (Wilde) 20. «I fed well.» (Hemingway) 21. «You better stop pushing.» (Maugham) 22. «You came out of Court with clean hands.» (Galsworthy) 23. «Keep your head.» Blound insisted soothingly. 24. «He hated her and could not get along with her.» 25. The little shop girl was getting into deep wa­ter. (Dreiser) 26. It was the first time he had given wav to anger with her. (Galsworthy)

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 335 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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