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Table 2 Stator Coil Resistance

Test e r Range Connectings Reading
Tester (+) to Tester (–) to
× 10 One yellow lead (Connector 3) Another yellow lead (Connector 3) 0.37 ~0.46 0

• If there is more resistance than shown in the table, or no meter reading (infinity) for any two leads, the stator has an open lead and must be replaced. Much less than this resistance means the stator is shorted, and must be replaced.

• Using the highest resistance range of the hand tester, measure the resistance between each of the yellow leads and chassis ground. Any hand tester reading less than infinity (°°) indicates a short, necessitating stator replace­ment.

• If the stator coil has normal resistance, but the voltage check shows the alternator to be defective; then the rotor magnets have probably weakened, and the rotor must be replaced.

Regulator/Rectifier Removal

• Remove the left side cover.

• Remove the coolant reserve tank.

• Disconnect the regulator/rectifier connector [A].

• Unscrew two mounting bolts [B] and remove the regula­tor/rectifier [C] from the battery case.

Regulator/Rectifier Output Voltage Inspection

• Check the battery condition (see Battery section).

• Warm up the engine to obtain actual alternator operating conditions.

• Remove the right side cover (see Side Cover Removal in the Frame chapter).

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 208 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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