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Wheels (Rims). To improve stability and decrease vibration at high speed, the front and rear wheels must be kept balanced

Wheel Balance

To improve stability and decrease vibration at high speed, the front and rear wheels must be kept balanced.

Check and balance the wheels when required, or when a tire is replaced with a new one.

Balance Inspection

Remove the wheel.

• Support the wheel on a wheel balancer so that it can be spun freely.

• Spin the wheel lightly, and mark [A] the wheel at the top when the wheel stops.

ORepeat this procedure several times. If the wheel stops of its own accord in various positions, it is well balanced.

If the wheel always stops in one position, adjust the wheel

Balance Adjustment

• If the wheel always stops in one position, provisionally attach a balance weight [A] on the spoke at the marking using adhesive tape.

• Rotate the wheel 1/4 turn [B], and see whether or not the stops in this position. If it does, the correct balance weight is being used.

• If the wheel rotates and the weight goes up, replace the weight with the next heavier size. If the wheel rotates and the weight goes down, replace the weight with the next lighter size. Repeat these steps until the wheel remains at rest after being rotated 1/4 turn.

• Rotate the wheel another 1/4 turn and then another 1/4 turn to see if the wheel is correctly balanced.

• Repeat the entire procedure as many times as necessary to achieve correct wheel balance.

• Once proper balance has been achieved, permanently install the balance weight using a pliers [A].

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 203 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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