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Maintenance Procedure. Bleeding the Brake Line

Bleeding the Brake Line

The brake fluid has a very low compression coefficient so that almost all the movement of the brake lever is transmit­ted directly to the caliperfor braking action. Air, however, is easily compressed. When air enters the brake line, brake lever movement will be partially used in compressing the air. This will make the lever feel spongy, and it will be a loss in braking power.

Be sure to bleed the air from the brake line when­ever brake lever action feels soft or spongy, after the brake fluid is changed, or whenever a brake line fitting has been loosened for any reason.

• Remove the reservoir cap, and fill the reservoir with fresh brake fluid to the upper level line in the reservoir.

• With the reservoir cap off, slowly pump the brake lever several times until no air bubbles can be seen rising up through the fluid from the holes at the bottom of the reser­voir.

○Bleed the air completely from the master cylinder by this operation.


○The fluid level must be checked often during the bleed­ing operation and replenished with fresh brake fluid as necessary. If the fluid in the reservoir runs almost out any time during bleeding operation, the bleeding opera­tion must be done over again from the beginning since air will have entered the line.

○Tap the brake hose lightly from the caliper to the reser­voir for easier bleeding.

2-48 Периодический ремонт

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 190 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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