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My address is 121, 14, Main Street, Plaintown, Surrey, England

квартира дом улица город графство страна

(или: область,

штат и т.п.)

(What is her address?

Her address is …)

What is your (tele)phone number?

My (tele)phone number is 741-8906 (seven four one, eight nine “oh” six).

(What is her (tele)phone number?

Her (tele)phone number is …)

Where are you from? = Where do you live?

I am from Plaintown = I live in Plaintown


I am from (Great) Britain = I live in (Great) Britain

(Where is she from? = Where does she live?

She is from …. = She lives in ….)

What is your full name?

My full name is Mary Cecily Rogers.

Full Name

Part of a name First name Middle name Family name (Surname)
Russian Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
English John James Winston Paul Lennon McCartney




Fill the gaps with possessive pronouns.

1.I am a student. ______ name is Alexander.

2.Roger has a cat. _____ cat is black and white.

3.Peggy and I live in the same room. _____ room is big and light.

4.This is a new CD player. ____ sound is very loud.

5.Mark and Richard are from the USA. ____ home town is Detroit.

6. - Is Linda still (все еще) in this house?

– Yes, ____ car is in the yard.

7. – Is it ____ telephone?

- No, I have no mobile telephone.

8.She has a very good friend. This friend of _____ is an English girl.

9.I am in Florida now, in a big hotel. The hotel of ____ is beautiful and comfortable.

10.This garden is _____, and they like it very much.

Exercise 2.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 217 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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